How is spondylolisthesis, vertebral displacement, treated? Medication and surgery

Treatment can be pharmacological and pain relief in acute conditions.

Analgesics or anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants are administered.

Conservative treatment may or may not be successful. It mainly depends on the findings and details about the displacement of the vertebra.

Of course, the right kind of physiotherapy and exercise and their appropriate rate can help.

There are a number of exercises that help strengthen the muscles of the spine and body's core muscles, i.e. the muscles needed for posture and posture: muscles of the abdomen, spine, hips and the pelvic floor.

Proper exercise is important when practicing, under the guidance of an expert.

A change in lifestyle, sufficient physical activity, proper posture and patience in cooperation help to improve the condition.

However, surgical treatment may be necessary if degeneration fails and progresses.

This is indicated in case of failure of conservative treatment, in case of significant neurological deficit, but also in case of shift above 50%. Thus, there is a high risk of worsening the displacement, including cases of limited life activities.

The operation can be conducted in various ways. This is chosen on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of olistesis and associated difficulties. Examples are posterior decompression and stabilization, posterior or anterior intersomatic fusion (PLIF and ALIF), and Gaines surgery in spondyloptosis.

The main task is stabilisation, repositioning (return to the correct position) of the displaced vertebra and decompression, i.e. removal of nerve compression.

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