Metabolic disorders

Metabolic disorders include

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Phenylketonuria: What is it and how is it manifested? (hyperphenylalanemia)


Phenylketonuria is an inherited disorder of the metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine. Phenylalanine hydroxylase is completely absent from the body. It is an enzyme that converts the amino acid phenylalanine to tyrosine. Overall, this enzyme helps to accelerate several metabolic processes and processes in the body. Thus, phenylalanine accumulates in the body. It accumulates in various body fluids. It already affects children, just after birth.

Shock: Medical Definition, Causes, Types and Stages

Shock - State of shock

Shock - informally, this term is mostly used to indicate a stress response. However, in medicine, it has a completely different meaning. It indicates a condition where a person is acutely at risk to health and life.

What is gout, why does it occur, what evokes seizures, and what is the treatment?


Gout is one of the oldest documented diseases in human history. There are reports of it dating back to antiquity. It is the only disease so described in detail by ancient physicians. Despite the known treatment, it does not belong to the past, its incidence has even increased in recent years.

What is metabolic syndrome and what are its most common complications?

Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a group of disorders in the body that are a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. These disorders always occur together. It poses a health threat.

What is Pompe disease, what are its symptoms, causes and diagnosis?

Pompe disease

Pompe disease is a lesser known and relatively rare disease. It is "transmitted" by autosomal recessive inheritance from parents to offspring.