Ako sa lieči mastitída? Lieky, antibiotiká, masti i chirurgia

The treatment of mastitis is pretty much the same for all mastitis.

The effectiveness of inflammation reduction depends on the speed of treatment deployment.

The basis is the administration of antibiotics

In the treatment of puerperal mastitis, which arises after childbirth during breastfeeding, antibiotics, analgesics to relieve pain and antipyretics to reduce fever are administered immediately from the first symptoms. However, emptying the engorged breast by pumping milk is very important.

It is recommended to pump milk regularly after 2 hours, followed by cooling the breast with cold compresses.

Topically, the breast can be rubbed with camphor ointment or gel compresses can be applied to the breast.

Calcium ointment, lanolin ointment or nipple ointments are recommended for cracked nipples.   

At an advanced stage, the application of dry heat (infrared light, cataplasms - a poultice of crushed herbs or plant extracts that are hot applied to the skin and covered with a bandage) is suitable.

If an abscess has formed during inflammation, it is necessary to suction it with a puncture needle, or a surgical incision is made to drain the pus and introduce rubber drains with regular flushing.

If left untreated and the abscess is left, there is a risk of the surrounding tissue dying and healing leaving an unesthetic scar.

In some cases it is necessary to administer prolactin hormone-reducing drugs to stop lactation, or non-steroidal corticosteroids.

Applying breast compresses

  • Applying cold compresses helps to reduce swelling and relieve pain
  • Applying warm compresses before breastfeeding helps to start the milk and helps to clear the blocked duct, thus relieving the pain

To reduce pain, the following is recommended:

  • Keep applying compresses 
  • Breastfeeding every two hours, or additional breast pumping, let the milk flow through the milk ducts
  • Plenty of fluids and rest
  • Gently massage the breasts with circular movements from the outside from the affected area towards the nipple
  • Wear a suitable (nursing) bra that will not squeeze your breasts
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