Treatment of Lyme disease: drugs, antibiotics

Because Lyme borreliosis is a bacterial disease, antibiotics that are effective against Borrelia bacteria are used for treatment. They have used particularly doxycycline, amoxicillin, ery-tromycin, or ceftriaxone.

It is important to start treatment early. This will make the course easier and prevent complications and thus the spread of the infection to other parts of the body. The treatment of Lyme borreliosis depends on the age of the affected person and also on the manifestations of the disease.

For milder forms that have been diagnosed in the initial stages, treatment lasts for a maximum of one month. At home and usually 3 to 4 weeks. And in the form of classic antibiotics, tablets.

However, if the disease is already advanced, a more effective form must be chosen. This consists mainly in the administration of more intensive antibiotics, already by infusionThey are applied to the blood so that they can be used better.

At the same time, hospitalization of the patient is necessary. Usually for two to four weeks depending on his condition. In addition to antibiotic treatment, medicines for pain and especially for swelling are also used. During the treatment, it is also very important to have sufficient rest and not overload the body.

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