How is gastritis treated? Mainly with medication
Acute gastritis does not require special treatment in most cases. Symptomatic treatment is possible. Administration of preparations for vomiting or pain. But the body will deal with this form quickly. An example is faster recovery after upsetting the stomach contents if an inappropriate food or drink has been consumed.
Of course, diet is needed, but also peace from physical or mental stress. Pharmacological therapy should be prescribed by a physician. Clinical manifestations and severity of human health are also important in treatment. As well as the origin of the difficulties.
Drugs such as antacids, antisecretory therapies, H2 receptor blockers, or proton pump inhibitors are used. If the cause is intoxication with drugs or chemicals, it is necessary to eliminate further action of the substance. Antibiotics are also a source of infection. Specific treatment is for Helicobacter pylori infection.
Rehydration treatment is important for diarrhea and vomiting. So the replacement of lost fluids. Due to the risk of inducing vomiting, parenteral administration, i.e. by infusion, is chosen. This treatment prevents dehydration. Infectious inflammations are also treated with intestinal disinfectants. Surgical treatment is usually necessary for extensive bleeding into the abdomen and digestive tract.