How is concussion treated? Observation as number 1

If the CT scan is negative for a structural lesion and the neurologist finds no obvious deficit, the patient can be discharged home within 1 hour.

At home, he must take physical and mental care. He receives plenty of fluids and can take commonly available analgesics for pain.

Antipsychotics are not recommended because of the increased risk of cerebral haemorrhage. Opioids are also inappropriate because they affect the patient's consciousness and may alter it.

The second group of patients should be hospitalized for observation for at least 12 to 24 hours.

These are patients with the following symptoms:

  • impaired neurological function
  • GCS less than 15
  • severe headache
  • persistent vomiting
  • open skull injury
  • polytrauma
  • haemorrhagic condition
  • alcohol poisoning
  • drug addiction
  • suspected unconsciousness due to structural brain damage


The most effective way to prevent concussion is to protect your head from injury. Use protective helmets or back and neck protectors when playing sports and working.

Head injury to a woman in a fall from a bicycle
Safety is necessary at any age for adults and children. Helmet fit is also an example of concussion prevention. Source: Getty Images
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