Treatment of cardiomyopathy - medications and healthy lifestyle
Also, the treatment is not exactly the same for every form of cardiomyopathy. Therefore, a thorough diagnosis is important.
When dilated cardiomyopathy is a treat:
- physical strain reduction
- less salt
- healthy lifestyle
- omission of smoking and alcohol, drugs
- drugs:
- ACE inhibitors, for blood pressure
- Beta-blockers regulate blood pressure and heart rate
- diuretics to promote urination
- digoxin, to support heart function
- anticoagulants - to prevent the formation of blood clots
- in severe conditions, mechanical support of the blood circulation
- to heart transplantation
The treatment is essentially similar to that given for heart failure. Alternatively, a cardioverter-defibrillator is introduced to prevent severe arrhythmias.
In hypertrophic cardiomyopathy:
- regime measures and reduction of heavy physical activity, sports
- healthy lifestyle - the omission of alcohol and smoking, drugs
- drug therapy:
- Beta-blockers
- calcium channel blockers
- antiarrhythmics
- diuretics
- ACE inhibitors
- anticoagulant therapy
- cardioversion - in arrhythmia
In symptomatic or mild form, pharmacological treatment may not be indicated.
In any case, it is mainly a matter of preventing the occurrence of serious arrhythmias and thus death . Therefore, it is preventively implanted in high-risk people - I mplantable K ardioverter- D effibrillator = ICD, cardioverter-defibrillator.
The risk criteria are:
- syncope - apostasy
- low blood pressure
- arrhythmia attacks
- severe hypertrophy over 30 mm myocardial thickness
- occurrence of sudden death in the family
- reduced left ventricular ejection fraction
Surgical treatment includes several methods, such as:
- myectomy - removal of a part of a muscle
- septal ablation - a long name of the PTMs
= L erkutánna t ransluminálna the eptálna m yokardiálna and BLAC- intentional occlusion of a specific artery
- implantation of support mechanisms, ICD, also known as heart movement, Pace-Maker, defibrillator
- heart transplantation after failure of other methods