Breast disorders

Breast disorders include

Breast cancer: Why It Occurs and How It Manifests Itself - Self-examination As A Way Of Prevention

Breast cancer

Breast cancer is the most common cancer globally and is also the leading cause of death among cancers in women. Worldwide, breast cancer is the leading type of cancer in women, accounting for 25% of all cases. In 2018, it resulted in 2 million new cases and 627,000 deaths. It affects women, but rarely men. Breast cancer mortality is declining due to regular preventive check-ups.

Cyst in the breast (lump): what are the symptoms? Pain may not be present

Breast cyst - a lump in the breast

A cyst in the breast is a hollow anatomical formation of varying size. It is separated from its surroundings by its own wall. The inside of the cyst may be filled with fluid or connective tissue. It may have several causes.

Mastitis, or Mammary Gland Inflammation: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Mammary Gland Inflammation

Inflammation of the breast is manifested by a painful and uncomfortable sensation in the breast. It most commonly affects breastfeeding women, but can also occur in non-breastfeeding women and men of any age. It is often caused by an infection that develops in the breast tissue.