How is an aneurysm treated? Treatment is both conservative and surgical

In general, treatment may be conservative in the case of an unsettled aneurysm . The size and associated complications also play a role here. In this case, it is important to regularly monitor whether the bulge does not increase .

It is important to have an overall lifestyle , such as reducing smoking and drinking , reducing fat and red meat intake. Pay attention to your daily salt intake , which should be a maximum of 3 grams . Unsaturated fatty acids , such as olive oil, are suitable . Increased intake of B vitamins, vegetables, legumes or whole grains, plus a sufficient drinking regime.

In the case of drug therapy, it is usually of important preventive importance . Such as sufficient treatment for high blood pressure, CA blockers and, for example, laxatives (laxatives). As the pressure on the stool increases the pressure inside the skull, but also in the abdominal cavity.

In rupture and dissection of the aneurysm, an invasive form of treatment is always the choice . The possibility is a surgical clamping of the neck of the aneurysm, ie in the place where the bulge emerges outside the vessel. A clip is placed here and the bulge of the aneurysm is bypassed. During surgery, a vascular prosthesis or BY-PASS of a damaged vessel may also be selected

Endovascular surgery - EVAR (endovascular aneurysm repair), and this is also  Coiling . It is a catheterization technique, through the femoral artery, a catheter is inserted into the affected area, and during X-ray inspection, a platinum coil is inserted into the affected area. It adapts to the shape and branching of the vessel. A similar method is BAC , which is short for balloon-assisted coiling . The balloon has a support function during coil insertion if the bulge neck is wide.

The SAC method , ie Stent-assisted coiling , is similar . When the balloon is replaced by a stent. The advantage is that large-scale, wide-necked aneurysms can also be resolved. Another method is Flow diversion (FD) when a low porous stent is inserted. Alternatively, embolization may be used . This uses the introduction of an embolizing substance into the bulge, which then fills it in.

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