Chapped lips: why are my lips dry and chapped?
Dry and chapped lips can be distressing, especially when the chapping is accompanied by inflammation. Chapping is a common symptom of dehydration. Unsuitable cosmetics also have a negative effect, as does the weather. In some cases, chapped lips can indicate another disease.
Chapped lips can occur most often as a result of the weather. Lips are adversely affected by excessive cold and chill, but also by prolonged exposure to the sun and high temperatures. Painful small cracks can occur at the corners of the lips.
They also occur due to a lack of certain minerals or vitamins in the body. But also with a reduced fluid intake. In some exceptional cases, it is necessary to look for diseases.
Lack of fluids, vitamins and minerals
Dehydration and a lack of fluids in the body can also be responsible for chapped and dry lips. This occurs with insufficient intake, but also with increased output when the necessary replacement of lost fluids is not provided.
In children and the elderly, dehydration occurs rapidly. The dryness of the lips and tongue can be a symptom. The elderly often suffer from a reduced sense of thirst, which is why they often experience dehydration.
Reduced fluid intake also needs to be corrected in the case of diarrhoea, vomiting, fever and increased physical exertion. In the summer months, when the air temperature rises, adjusting fluid intake is also important.
Sometimes chapped lips can also occur as a symptom of a deficiency of zinc, iron or B vitamins (B2 and B12) and vitamin C in the body. This is the result of an unbalanced diet or as a consequence of starvation.
B vitamins are present in milk, dairy products, poultry and fish meat. Vitamin C in fruits and vegetables such as citrus fruits, blackcurrants, kiwis, but also peppers, cabbage, leafy greens, tomatoes, cauliflower, parsley and is also found in rosehips and sea buckthorn.
Cracked lips in anaemia
Iron deficiency can also cause problems. When the concentration of iron in the blood is reduced, anaemia occurs. Iron is an important building block.
This blood disease is caused by a reduction in the level of haemoglobin. Haemoglobin is a red dye to which oxygen binds. Thus, anaemia can result from iron deficiency because iron is needed for the production of haemoglobin. Thus, chapped lips are also present.
Inflamed arteries and chapped lips
Kawasaki disease is also a disease of the vascular system. It involves inflammation of the small and large arteries, specifically inflammation of their walls. Children under the age of 4 to 5 years are most often affected by this disease.
The disease is manifested by fever, enlargement of the lymph nodes in the throat, redness of the mucous membranes in the mouth and sometimes a rash on the skin. As one of the symptoms of the disease, a child may also be observed to have cracked lips and a reddened tongue.
In skin problems
Skin inflammations, especially contact dermatitis, can also cause problems. Inflammation and cracking of the lips can be a reaction to chemical or other exposure. Therefore, care should be taken to choose the right cosmetic products.
For this case, it is better to trust proven cosmetics and other means in close contact with the skin. Even if the price is sometimes higher. Any inflammation is unpleasant and also more costly.
Cheilitis is an inflammatory disease of the lips, and there are several causes behind its occurrence. For example, bacteria or yeast, allergic reaction, also excessive UV radiation. It manifests itself by drying of the lips, their cracking, scaling, swelling. On the lips, boils, depressions, folds are formed.
In young children, atopic eczema is sometimes manifested by chapped lips. The lips are dry, cracked, there may be small cracks at the edges and there is often this type of eczema around the mouth.
The disease is genetically determined. The result is a pathological immune reaction of the body which manifests itself on the skin. The skin is often very dry, itchy and there are small rashes. The disease is caused by various allergens, including food allergens.
Another example is ichthyosis, a genetically inherited disease characterised by cornification, scaling and the formation of stiff, dry maps. It typically occurs on the legs and trunk, but can affect any area and also the skin of the lips.
Ichthys is a name derived from the Greek word for fish. The disease is so called mainly because of the form of the scales that peel off. Atopic eczema is also common in this disease. In addition to scales and dryness, it is manifested by itching.
But also other causes
Dry and cracked lips can also indicate, for example, a weakened immunity. Age also has an influence on the quality of the lips. Older people are more likely to have problems with dry or cracked lips.
Products with chemical preservatives also have a big influence; these also have a bad effect on the lips. In the elderly, there may also be a problem with a tumour of the lip lining (squamous cell carcinoma), which needs to be treated.
Sometimes cracked corners on the edges of the lips can also indicate various inflammations in the body, or diabetes or Crohn's disease. However, these are very uncharacteristic symptoms. In any case, it is better to see a doctor.
Do you bite your lips?
This habit can also create a problem. Constantly biting your lips irritates them. The irritation is mainly caused by saliva. The same goes for licking them constantly. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase, which has a negative effect on the sensitive and delicate skin of the lips.
It is important to have enough vitamins, especially B and C, but also zinc and iron. Overall, the diet should be changed to a healthier and more balanced diet, especially towards fruit and vegetables. A sufficient fluid intake is equally important. Also, be careful with the cosmetics that you use on your lips. They should not contain alcohol.
In case there are other symptoms as well, the cracking of the lips may be as a result of another disease. And in that case, a professional examination such as blood collection and its laboratory examination is better.