Burping - what are the causes of excessive or continuous burping?

Burping - what are the causes of excessive or continuous burping?
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Burping is how excess air from the esophagus or stomach gets out of the digestive tube. Excess burping may or may not indicate a health problem.

Belching (technically ructus or eructation) is a natural mechanism by which excess air is removed from the digestive tube. It enters the esophagus or stomach naturally during eating. Air is also produced in the intestines during digestion.

In some cases, excess gas accumulation in the digestive system indicates a problem.
Is excessive belching a health problem or not?

Excessive burping after eating and frequent flatulence as a cause

During the swallowing of food, bites or liquids, it is normal for a certain amount of air to enter the digestive tube.

This air is removed by burping, which is quite normal, common and does not indicate a problem.

A larger amount of air enters the stomach when drinking carbonated beverages. The gas bubbles are then expelled by burping.

This is also the case when eating certain types of food. Examples include ice cream, whipped cream and other whipped products. Even chewing gum or sucking on candy has a similar problem.

Every person is different and this is also true of dietary intake. Some people burp more for certain vegetables such as onions, radishes or peppers, or for spices. Food with a higher sugar, starch or fibre content is also an example.

It also occurs after sausages, minced peppers, fish in oil, fish, oily food and eggs.

Other people don't have a problem with this type. And some people have a gallbladder problem.

This form of belching is natural and necessary. But in some people it can indicate a digestive problem.

Excessive retention of air in the digestive tract can cause an unpleasant problem. Excess bloating causes a feeling of fullness, discomfort as well as abdominal pain and other digestive problems.

Most of the time, therefore, it is involuntary and excessive swallowing of air while eating and drinking. Air is constantly entering the digestive tract and must be removed when it builds up.

The prevention of excessive air passage is the adoption of proper food and drink consumption:

  • eat and drink slowly - allow plenty of time for food intake
  • chew bites sufficiently
  • eat smaller bites
  • limiting foods that cause bloating, spices
  • limit carbonated drinks
  • limit stress and rushing
  • eat healthier foods and not convenience foods
  • wash food down with water - small amounts
  • take a walk after meals
  • get enough exercise
  • reduce sedentary lifestyle
  • not smoking

You complain: I can't take a nap!

In this case, a carbonated drink, such as a cola, can help.

Do you burp all the time - fasting or after meals?
Do you burp often and have a stomachache?
Is your burping associated with flatulence?
Do you want to know the causes of your constant burping?
Read on.

Aerophagia is a problem...

What is aerophagia? It is a condition of excessive and unnatural swallowing of air.

It is caused by the accumulation of air in the stomach and digestive tract. As a result, digestive problems occur.

It can manifest as:

  • a feeling of fullness
  • bloating
  • abdominal pain
  • nausea to a feeling of vomiting
  • excessive burping
  • up to a feeling of pain and pressure in the chest for frequent repeated burping

What causes excess swallowing of air?

It can be gluttonous and fast eating. The cause can also be today's hectic times and chasing time. Yet, food should be the very time to calm down and replenish energy.

It occurs with talking while eating and drinking, drinking through a straw, smoking, hyperventilation, and even with improperly fitted dentures.

In this case, practicing a proper eating regimen will help.

However, aerophagia also occurs in people who have a neurotic type of nature. Moreover, it is also present in people with psychological disorders, neurosis.

Excessive stress and nervousness can also lead to increased burping.

What about burping in children?

Newborns, infants, toddlers and young children commonly burp. In this case, in addition to breast or artificial milk, they also swallow air.

This is why they must be allowed to burp with their head in an elevated position after eating. Burping on the shoulder with a nappy underneath and tapping the buttocks to facilitate the return of air out is well known.

In the supine position there is a risk of regurgitation of food and inhalation of some stomach contents.

Children often suffer from reflux. Reflux in these children may be responsible for too much penetration of stomach contents from the stomach into the esophagus. Mothers with children often visit doctors with this problem.

Why does excessive burping occur in pregnancy?

Wondering if it can be a symptom of pregnancy?

The essence of increased belching in pregnancy can be hormones. Progesterone is behind the slowing down of the digestive tract. This leads to the problem in question and excessive accumulation of air.

As time passes, both the fetus and the uterus enlarge and the bowels and stomach tighten. Changes in the fit of the internal organs are another factor why women burp more during this period.

What can help? An example is:

  • Fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, beetroot, apples and grapefruit
  • lean meat, stewed, cooked - not fatty and heavy, roasted, spicy
  • lower-fat cheeses
  • non-carbonated drinks, prefer water, teas
  • dark and wholemeal bread
  • herbs and spices such as mint, ginger, oregano, dill, cumin, fennel and aniseed are suitable

Belching and bloating, flatulence all at once?

The first thing to consider is the connection with dietary intake, especially one that will promote the production of intestinal gas, such as legumes, broccoli, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, raisins, bananas or pastries.

If this factor is not present and it is a long-term problem, it is best to seek professional examination. The reason for this is possible disease of the oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder or small intestine.

What health problems can be behind continuous belching?

In addition to common conditions, a medical problem or disease may be responsible for increased burping.

Upper dyspeptic syndrome as one of the causes

Upper dyspeptic syndrome is an example. It is a functional problem:

  • a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, especially in the stomach area
  • feeling of a stone in the stomach - hard on the stomach
  • feeling nauseous to feeling sick and vomiting
  • epigastric pain = abdominal pain around the stomach above the navel and below the breastbone
  • muscle pain
  • headache
  • frequent irritation on urination
  • sleep disturbances
  • fatigue
  • to depression

This is a functional problem that has no organic basis.

Therefore, it is important to note associated manifestations that may indicate organic disease. Examples include gastrointestinal bleeding, anemia, persistence of vomiting, swallowing disorders, weight loss, and others.

Helicobacter pylori as example 2

This is a relatively common problem caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

Its prevalence in the population is estimated to be between 33% and 55%. And up to 90-95% of cases are behind gastric and duodenal ulcer disease.

This microbe was discovered in humans in 1982. It is not found in animals or in the soil. It inhabits the lining of the stomach, specifically the mucus layer.

Read more in the article.

Cause 3 = GERD

GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease.

It is a disease condition that affects the esophagus and the transition to the stomach. Stomach contents along with acid return excessively through the sphincter. This leads to damage to the affected area in the long run.

Chronic occurrence of the disease and damage to the mucosa can lead to esophageal cancer.

The main symptoms of GERD are:

  • heartburn, properly pyrosis (burning in the esophagus)
  • return of acidic contents from the stomach to the oesophagus
  • a feeling of acidity in the mouth
  • a feeling of bitterness in the mouth
  • worsening when lying down and at night
  • frequent burping

Other causes of belching are...

The first examples given are not alone. Excessive burping can also be a symptom of other diseases. These are directly or indirectly related to the digestive tract.

Examples include:

  • gastritis - inflammation of the stomach lining, which can also be caused by alcohol intake.
  • gastroparesis - a disorder of the muscles of the stomach wall, a disorder of passage through the stomach
  • gallbladder problems
  • food intolerances such as lactose intolerance or histamine intolerance
  • irritable bowel syndrome, also associated with stress
  • fructose malabsorption - a disorder of fructose digestion
  • celiac disease
  • pancreatic insufficiency
  • diabetes
  • medications such as laxatives, some pain medications, diabetes medications
  • disorder of intestinal microflora - dysbacteriosis
  • constipation

What can be done about it

Burping is not a disease.

It may just be a complication of binge eating and rushed times or stress.

On the other hand, however, there are some diseases. Therefore, if it is a long-term problem, other difficulties are also associated, and the adjustment of lifestyle and change of diet does not work, seek professional examination.

The treatment of excessive belching is based on a change in lifestyle. One must limit foods and meals that cause bloating and increased intestinal gas production.

Sufficient physical activity, exercise, sports are also important for the overall improvement of the digestive tract.

In severe cases, it is possible to take medication to relieve burping.

No home prescription will solve chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer disease or a problem with the patency of the bile ducts. This is possible only with professional treatment.

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The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.