What do you mean by sore throat?

What do you mean by sore throat?
Photo source: Getty images

The winter season takes a toll on our mood and also on our health. Epidemics are peaking and the statistics of the sick are filling up. Sore throat is one of the symptoms that accompanies this period. What causes inflammation in the throat? How to arm yourself during inflammation in the throat? These and other information you will learn in our article.

Does your throat get sore and painful? Does it ache, scratch, get worse when you swallow and not stop?

The winter season is characterised by an increased incidence of upper respiratory tract inflammation. Why is this and what are the main causes?

Today's article consists of two parts.
The first one deals with the throat and its inflammation.
And of course, what most often triggers it.

The second part gives space and attention to the treatment of inflammation in the throat and folk advice on how we can speed up recovery.

Throat inflammation is one of the symptoms that accompanies upper respiratory tract disease.

Others include increased body temperature to fever, often accompanied by chills and shivering. There is also general weakness, fatigue, exhaustion or pain throughout the body, muscles, joints and head.

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What causes inflammation?

Inflammation is most often caused by bacteria and viruses. Less often it is yeast.

It happens, for example, in the case of influenza, that bacterial inflammation is added to the underlying disease. Then the disease is combined with a virus and also bacteria.

bacteria, microorganisms
Magnification of a microorganism. Photo source: thinkstock photos

From the realm of bacteria cause inflammation in the throat mainly:

  • Streptococcus pyogenes
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • Staphylococcus aureus
  • Haemophillus influenzae
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • Arcanobacterium haemolyticum

The viruses most commonly include:

  • influenza virus
  • paramyxoviruses
  • coronaviruses
  • picornaviruses
  • adenoviruses
  • RS viruses
  • rhinoviruses
  • herpes virus
  • Coxsackie and echoviruses
  • morbilliosis virus
  • EBV and CMV in infectious mononucleosis

Mycotic infections are less common. They occur mainly in immunocompromised patients. The second cause may be the occurrence after antibiotic treatment, when the own microbial flora is weakened. The causative agent is most often the yeast Candida albicans.

Parts of the throat

The throat as such is divided into several parts. These can be classified under the upper respiratory tract and partly under the oral cavity. Subsequently, we can examine the most common causes of inflammation in the throat.

The different parts are the pharynx, larynx. The vocal cords and tonsils are part of them. Each of these parts can be affected by inflammation.

This is manifested by swelling, redness, pain, difficulty swallowing. The pain can be burning, stinging, the throat can scratch. Often there is an associated cold or cough.


The pharynx is also professionally called pharynx and its inflammation is called pharyngitis. It has three parts (nasal, oral and laryngeal). Each of these parts can be affected by inflammation.

Acute pharyngitis is known. This is most often manifested by pain in the throat, aggravated by swallowing. Swelling of the cervical nodes is also present.

Chronic pharyngitis is mainly represented by repeated long-term inflammation. It can be caused by poor treatment of acute inflammation. But its cause can also be too dry environment, smoking, hard alcohol. It also occurs in gastroesophageal reflux.

This area can also be affected by herpangina. This is caused by faecal-oral transmission of the coxsackie virus. It most often occurs in children due to failure to maintain hygiene (unwashed hands).

When the mucous membrane of the pharynx is inflamed, small boils appear on the soft palate and tonsils. Throat pain, aggravated by swallowing, is present, as well as general discomfort, such as fever, weakness.

Inflammation of the nasopharynx is one example of inflammation of one part of the nasopharynx. It is also called nasopharyngitis. It is one of the most common. It is caused by both viruses and bacteria.

Inflammation of the tonsils

It is also known as tonsillitis or tonsilitis acuta. It is also known as tonsilopharyngitis. It is also known as tonsillitis. Angina is a pinching pain (the name comes from the Latin word for pinching).

It can also be acute or chronic. In both types, the symptoms are identical. The main symptoms are swelling of the throat and palate, sore throat, impaired swallowing and bad breath.

Of course, general symptoms are also associated. These include mainly fever, weakness, headache, lack of appetite. Swollen cervical lymph nodes are very common.

angina tablets for sucking
Even sucking lozenges can help with strep throat. Photo source: Thinkstock photo

The worst complications of tonsillitis are local problems such as abscess, phlegmon and otitis media.

In addition to local complications, there are also general complications. Sepsis, rheumatic fever, myocarditis, endocarditis or even severe meningitis.

Therefore, its early treatment is important. If neglected, the aforementioned complications can occur. If acute tonsillitis is left untreated, it becomes chronic after repeated inflammation.


Otherwise known as laryngitis, this is a mother's nightmare. It most often affects children. And they also have the worst course.

It's caused by viruses. Symptoms of laryngitis are a barking cough caused by a narrowed airway. Body temperature is no higher than 38.5 °C. A hoarse voice is present.

It is most common in children under 3 years of age. It is dangerous in infancy because of the narrowing of the airways by swelling. The airways are not fully developed at this time.

Inflammation of the vocal cords

The vocal cords (glottis) are part of the larynx. Thus, their inflammation occurs mainly in laryngitis. Inflammation of the vocal cords can also be acute or chronic.

In the case of inflammation in this area, hoarseness of the voice, weakening of the voice or even loss of voice is typical. In the chronic form, there is also a risk of long-term loss of voice.


Laryngitis is a bacterial inflammation of the laryngeal valve itself, but also of the surrounding area. It is most common in children under 6 years of age. It is dangerous mainly because of its sudden onset. Professionally, it is called epiglottitis.

It is dangerous mainly because of swelling in the area and difficulty breathing. In addition, there is pain, difficulty swallowing and associated salivation, fever and silent difficulty speaking.

The average age of onset is 3-4 years. Parents often confuse laryngitis with epiglottitis. They are naturally afraid of suffocating the child. And it is in this respect that epiglottitis is more dangerous.

Tip: in the article on laryngitis you can see a table with the main difference between laryngitis and epiglottitis.

Deep throat infections

Although not common, they are significant. Mainly for the risk of spreading either upwards into the intracranial region or downwards into the thoracic region.

People with weakened immunity, diabetics, elderly people and cancer patients are mainly at risk. This type of inflammation is mainly spread from the tonsils or from a decayed tooth.

Symptoms are mainly pain and swelling in the throat, which makes swallowing difficult. Swelling of the throat and reduced mobility may also occur.

In addition to the local symptoms, there are general symptoms. These are mainly fever, chills, nausea, weakness, rapid pulse and impaired breathing.

Inflammation of the throat in pregnancy

In pregnancy, sore throat and its treatment are slightly complicated. It is necessary to pay attention mainly to body temperature. It should not exceed 38 ° C.

A doctor should be consulted about medication. He can advise responsibly on how to treat a sore throat. Most medicines are prohibited in pregnancy.

He can also advise on home recipes. Not every herb is suitable in pregnancy. At a higher dose, it could have an adverse effect.

sore throat and children

The period of childhood is specific. What applies to an adult may not apply equally to a child.

Children's age is special because of anatomical differences. And in the case of sore throats especially. The proportions in their airways are different. This must be taken into account in the case of sore throats.

Inflammation in the throat in children and babies can cause narrowing of the airways. The path for the passage of air is impaired, based on swelling. The most serious diseases are epiglottitis and laryngitis.

Therefore, when problems occur, the best option is to visit a doctor. He will examine the child and recommend the best treatment.

Does a fever have to be present with a sore throat?

A good question. But the answer is not clear-cut. Most of the time, a fever is an accompanying symptom in sore throats. Sometimes it rises to a fever.

Elevated body temperature is between 37 °C and 37.9 °C. Above 38 °C we speak of fever.

But there are also sore throats without temperature. In some cases, the temperature is slightly elevated below 37 °C. The body temperature must also be treated individually.

There are some people who don't have a fever or fever at all. Or the last time they had a fever was decades ago. Their body works without it.

thermometer indicates high fever
Fever may or may not be present. Source photo: Thinkstock photos

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The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.