How to fight low blood pressure with lifestyle and food?

How to fight low blood pressure with lifestyle and food?
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Do you get out of bed in the morning with foggy eyes, tinnitus, feeling faint? Is nausea your morning enemy?

If these symptoms are familiar to you, you are likely to suffer from low blood pressure.

We can influence blood pressure with a good lifestyle that benefits the body and mind. The cause of low blood pressure may not be known, but it could be the cause of another disease.

In any case, if the problem persists, it is better to seek help.

Diagnosis of low blood pressure

The term low blood pressure (or even hypotension) is a disease that may not have a known cause. However, it can also be a symptom of another disease. In that case, it is not good to underestimate the severity.

Low blood pressure can arise acutely or persist chronically.

Depending on the type of difficulty and its duration, it is necessary to decide how to proceed. Will you be able to manage it yourself without professional help?

The table of blood pressure values shows the values for an adolescent and an adult

Systolic Diastolic
Extremely low blood pressure less than 50 more than 35
Very low 50-70 35-40
Low 70-90 40-60
Lower normal blood pressure 90-110 60-75
Normal blood pressure (normotension) 120 75-80
Prehypertension (borderline BP) 130-140 80-90
Grade I hypertension 140-160 90-100
Grade II hypertension 160-180 100-110
Grade III hypertension 180-210 110-120
Grade IV hypertension 210 and more 120 and more

Interestingly, lower blood pressure prevails in the prevention of heart attack and stroke.

6 tips: How to influence low blood pressure by lifestyle?

The doctor will direct you to examinations that will reveal the cause of hypotension.

Not always the cause of low blood pressure is known.

Negative thinking and depression are not recommended. On the contrary. When battling low blood pressure, you need to step out with determination and good spirits.

1. Psyche and its influence on low blood pressure

Mental frame of mind is responsible for the success in fighting physical ailments.

Mental exhaustion will plunge you into more problems and worsen your physical condition. It will deprive the body of the energy needed to fight.

This is exactly what happens with low blood pressure. The motto is: good mood for health problems.

Remember that you are doing this for yourself and for better health.

But if you can't handle the mental struggle on your own, it's better to consult a professional. A psychologist is a good source of information to help you tune into the right wavelength. Or go to your doctor for advice.

Dietary supplements could help.

2. Moving towards higher blood pressure levels

When we have a problem with low blood pressure, movement can help get the blood flowing.

Blood accumulates in the lower limbs due to gravity and lack of movement. Prolonged standing in one position or sitting contributes to this phenomenon.

The amount of blood that can be mobilized from the lower limb area can reach a volume of 800 ml of the total blood volume of 4000-6000 ml of blood (adult). This is not an insignificant portion.

Try to add at least an hour of physical activity to your daily regimen.

A walk is enough, a lower intensity activity. Once a week you should endow your blood circulation with a higher intensity workout. Cardio, aerobic exercise.

Cycling, gymnastics, aerobics, running, swimming. You can't go wrong with dancing. You'll see that in addition to physical fitness, you'll improve your mental fitness.

Women should beware of carrying heavy loads. Leave it to your stronger half. The strain can bleed the brain, leading to collapse.

3. Low blood pressure position

To avoid the morning difficulties accompanying low blood pressure, the sleeping position should help.

A slightly elevated upper body position will help to reduce sodium excretion in the morning. This will leave more fluid in the bloodstream for getting up in the morning.

Standing in one position or sitting for long periods of time has an effect on blood stasis in the lower limbs.

How to counteract this?


When standing or sitting, keep in mind that the muscles of the lower limbs and buttocks can do the work, thereby pumping blood through the blood vessels.

Help the blood vessels and get the blood flowing.

You just need to contract the muscles in these areas regularly. Gluteal muscles, thighs, calves, all the way down to the muscles in your legs. The right chair is also important - if you have the option, a ball will help.

Feeling sudden weakness, fainting?

Cross your lower limbs, use your strength. Sit in a squatting position. Lying down is the best position in this case, but not always and everywhere you can lie down. If possible, lying down will help you lift your lower limbs. Which moves a considerable amount of blood to the upper half of the body.

In case you've just had a collapse, this position will help you recover from the bleeding. Don't forget to replenish fluids.

4. Fluids to combat hypotension

Stop! Before you get out of bed, drink a glass of water.

You'll see that it will restore your strength from draining yourself all night long. We lose fluids during sleep by sweating, exhaling, and of course, urine production. That's why it's important to replenish them as soon as we wake up in the morning.

If your morning coffee is a daily ritual, it doesn't matter.

Some people prefer black tea to start the day. No problem, because its effects are similar.

But again, beware.

Both of these drinks contain substances that stimulate the production of urine. They are diuretic, and thus deprive us of fluids.

It's enough if you prepare a glass of water in addition to them. The fluids that are eliminated will be replaced at the same time. Don't forget this principle and maybe it will help with low blood pressure.

In addition to coffee, tea, it is possible to supplement your drinking regime with mineral water, which has a higher sodium content. Each bottle has a label on which the content of elements is visible.

And one more essential notice.

Feeling thirsty.

If you start to feel it, it's too late.

Fluid intake should be sufficient so that you do not feel it during the day. In daily terms, this is a minimum of 2 litres of fluid. In the summer months and in hot weather, the volume of fluids must increase. In the same way, it must increase during exertion and in conditions that increase sweating, the excretion of fluids from the body. For example, fevers, diarrhoea and vomiting.

Read also.

If we look at our daily fluid intake, we exclude soups from it. We don't count them in our total fluid intake. Have you been worried about being banned? No, don't worry.

Add fruit juices to your drinking regime. They contain vitamins, which are needed not only for proper blood pressure readings. Alcohol is also a form of fluid, but beware of it. It should be limited or rather completely avoided.

5. Diet for low blood pressure

How can your diet affect your blood pressure values, you ask?


Today's way of eating forgets many principles. But with hypotension, you need to be especially careful about what it contains. Last but not least, do not forget a few principles when eating.

Eat several times a day, in smaller portions.

5 portions a day should be the right number.

A large portion will rob you of your strength. All the blood will pile up in your digestive system and you will have no choice but to fight sleep.

The first meal should be rich in protein, vitamins of group B. Dairy products, cottage cheese, yoghurt, yoghurt drinks, sour milk (acidophilus, kefir) or cheese. Even eggs, bread rather whole grain.

High-sugar, high-potassium foods and muesli are not suitable.

More vegetables and fruit will support your cardiovascular system and help fight hypotension. The food pyramid should represent the right way through the diet. It will support not only the body but also mental balance.

In addition to the B vitamins, add vitamin C, which plays an important role for the vascular system. Iron deficiency can also cause problems.

A rational balanced diet should be the basis.

The right proportion of food on your plate will ensure a healthier diet and help in the fight against low blood pressure.

What to add to your basket?

A small summary of what should help in the fight against low blood pressure:

  • Vitamin C - Found in citrus fruits, kiwis, rose hips, blackcurrants, apples, tomatoes, peppers, leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli
  • Vitamin B - Citrus, kiwi, avocados, apricots, bananas, cherries, milk, cottage cheese, yeast, carrots, melon, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, corn, beans, fish, poultry, beef, pork, nuts
  • Protein - Meat, fish, dairy, cottage cheese, yogurt, yogurt drinks, sour milks (acidophilus, kefir) or cheese, eggs, soy, anchovies, nuts, legumes
  • Sodium - Table salt, peas, carrots, beets, beetroot, cornflakes, spinach, beef, fish, bread, cheese, butter
  • Salt - Table salt contains sodium, which is involved in fluid retention in the bloodstream, and thus beneficial in raising blood pressure. For those who don't salt, salt. And for those who prefer salt in larger quantities, in this situation it is to your benefit. Remember the rule that everything in moderation. Excessive salt consumption can cause other health complications.
  • Caffeine and tein - They will make you sick and raise your blood pressure. Don't forget a glass of water or mineral water with your coffee and black tea
  • Garlic - It is considered a superfood. It is said to lower blood pressure. But its effect is more in normalizing blood pressure. In addition, it is also beneficial in lowering cholesterol
  • Beetroot - Beetroot will take care of your iron replenishment. Apart from it, it contains many other beneficial substances
  • Ginger - It warms the body and promotes blood circulation. In addition, it has many other beneficial effects
  • Liquorice - In smaller doses it promotes urination, in higher doses it suppresses the diuretic effects and retains water in the body. But be careful when taking it for a long time, even a healthy lot is harmful and can have adverse effects
  • Cayenne pepper - Also helps in blood circulation. It has other positive effects on the body
  • Ginkgo biloba - Helps to circulate the body and also the brain. Do you have cold extremities?
  • Seafood and seaweed also have a positive effect on blood pressure
  • White mistletoe - Teas made from it normalize blood pressure
  • Coconut paste capsule - Helps to regulate blood pressure. Contains many vitamins and minerals. Helps with bleeding and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system
  • Rosemary wine - Promotes blood circulation and increases blood pressure. Although it is not suitable for long-term use, but you should always use common sense. Recipe for you: 10-20 g of chopped rosemary sprigs are left to infuse in ¾ litre of white wine for about 5 days. Then strain and drink in small amounts.
  • Honey - Replace white sugar with honey, as it has beneficial effects on the body.

Ginseng, echinacea, eleutherococcus and rosehip improve the function of the cardiovascular system.

6. A plus in the fight against low blood pressure

Fighting hypotension will help you to manage other things, such as bandaging the lower limbs, elastic stockings. Body massage is one of the means that reflexively help to stir up the blood in the body.

Another aid can be a shower. Especially a cool one. But alternating cold and warm streams of water is also useful. Start on the limbs and then work your way around the body. Finish with cold water.

Also, a sauna helps the blood vessels to keep in shape. Always remember that sleep is your friend. This should be borne in mind by anyone whose low blood pressure makes life uncomfortable.

Fighting low blood pressure can be a simple topic for some and a nightmare for others.

In any case, it is not good to underestimate the deterioration of the state of health. It is always best to consult a doctor.

The doctor can recommend further examinations. They can reveal whether it is appropriate to worry about the severity, or whether the difficulties are only of a transient nature and do not threaten you in health or life.

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The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.