How does a poor lifestyle increase the risk of impotence, erectile dysfunction?

Do you know what words resonate most in the ears of men? What is taboo for them even today? What do they not like to talk about? Impotence, erectile dysfunction, weak erection.
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Impotence or erectile dysfunction... and also a healthy lifestyle.
Most men don't dwell on these two topics.
Why not?
The first is about their pride and the second is not interesting at all. And yet they're related.
Men with experience can talk about it. The cause of erectile dysfunction can be hidden in a psychogenic or organic component. A healthy lifestyle affects both.
Learn more in the article below.
What is erectile dysfunction?
In short, erectile dysfunction is actually the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. You can also read more about erection and its disorders in the article on erectile dysfunction.
Healthy Lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is a man's effort to maintain his health, physical fitness and mental well-being.
A healthy lifestyle can be learned.
Adopting a healthy lifestyle is the result of systematic activities that help us to achieve the desired result of living healthier and longer.
The main components affecting lifestyle and health are:
- Diet
- Drinking habits
- physical activity
- related to overweight
- psychological load, stress
- regular sleep
- smoking
- alcohol
- drugs
- medicines
How are impotence and lifestyle related?
The answer is not so complicated if we make the connections.
Erectile dysfunction is not just a problem for more experienced men.
Yes, I mean the older ones.
Not at all.
And if you stand by your opinion... are wrong!
It affects more than 30% of men between the ages of 30 and 70.
More than 50% of the male population is afflicted by the age of 40+.
25% of men should look for a psychogenic component.
The other 75% (organic causes) will have a harder time, but need not despair. They too can be helped.
Impotence and...
At this point, we get to the heart of the article. You'll see the connection. It's up to you what you take away from it.
Healthy lifestyle is used in a variety of contexts, including the quality and length of erections.
For younger men, erectile dysfunction is a major consequence of an improper lifestyle.
The action of organic factors, diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, heart disease. Poor eating habits and reduced physical activity. Not to forget the bad habits in the form of smoking, alcohol and drug use.
In the long term, diet affects our health and, in men, the hardness of the limb when it is formed.
An unsuitable diet such as fatty foods, a lot of salt, sugars, lack of vitamins and minerals affects health and erection.
Learn the correct representation of food components. Fats, sugars, fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. The diet should be rational, balanced and not monotonous. Each component is necessary for the body.
Remember, it is best to divide your meals into 5 reasonable portions per day.
Guess what happens to your erection when you come home tired after a full day and consume a full day's worth of food in one sitting. No, don't expect sexual pleasures. Your bed will be filled with poor quality sleep and obesity.
For a better overview of suitable and unsuitable diets for your erection, here's a table
Suitable | Unsuitable |
Green vegetables | Fatty and smoked meats |
Tomatoes, asparagus, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, celery, horseradish, garlic | fried foods |
melon | high-fat dairy products |
strawberries, peaches, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, bananas, avocados, pineapple, citrus fruits, pomegranate | white bread |
meat (lean), fish, seafood, eggs | salty foods (potato chips, breadsticks) |
fibre (sweet potatoes, pulses, apples, pears, raspberries, avocados and other vegetables and fruits, oatmeal, seeds), psyllium | semi-finished products |
oils for fatty acid content (sunflower, soybean, corn, rapeseed, olive, peanut, pumpkin seed) | Alcohol (at blood alcohol levels above 0,5 per mille) |
cinnamon, vanilla, mint, ginger, cloves, chilli, | sweets and other foods with a high content of simple sugars (sweets, cakes, pastries, ice cream) |
nuts, cashews, peanuts, almonds, pine nuts, pumpkin, chia and flax seeds | |
chocolate (more than 70 % cocoa), honey | |
coffee, green tea, ginseng tea, fruit juices (mainly citrus), tomato juice, and other beverages | |
Ginseng, Ginkgo biloba, amca, saffron, saw palmetto, Tribulus Terrestris | |
red wine in limited quantities (one glass - maximum 2 dcl) |
Drinking regime is as important as dietary intake. Long-term dehydration is not beneficial for the blood supply to the male reproductive organ. Therefore, if restriction of fluid intake is not necessary (for example, due to kidney disease), its observance is essential.
A minimum of 2 litres of fluids per day is recommended. In hot weather and with higher output (heavy physical exertion, fevers), fluid intake should be increased.
Physical activity helps to keep us fit, which is good for our health. At the same time, a firmer and longer erection. If there is not enough of it, the whole body and, of course, the penis suffers.
That's why we need to think about regular movement, especially for people with sedentary jobs.
It is not necessary to work hard in the gym. Even light exercise, cardio, at least three times a week is enough. Older men, and indeed couples, will benefit from a walk together for at least an hour a day.
Nothing that can't be accomplished and mastered.
Being overweight is right up there with diet and exercise. You can probably see why. It's directly linked to these subunits. Eating right and getting a reasonable amount of exercise doesn't help.
Know that as you lose weight, you will feel a little better in your own body and your appetite for sex will grow, as well as the strength of your erection.
There are cases when even with endurance running you can't cope with being overweight. Maybe a personal trainer, a nutrition counselor will help. For some diseases (metabolic, endocrine) you need to consider a professional examination.
Now watch out!
Wake up and read a little more carefully again.
At the beginning we mentioned psychogenic factors and 25%. No difference in age.
Stress will put down even the most energetic penis.
It is the enemy of health and the marriage bed. Work is a burden. What happens in professional life must be left there. Come to the family circle with a clear mind.
There are situations in life when intense stress is unavoidable. They induce a high dose of negative stress (distress). If stress of this kind persists, it can result in serious damage to health even death. It also adversely affects erection.
In this case, professional help is essential.
How are you doing with sleep?
Getting enough of it is good for the body, its regeneration, recharging and psyche. The notorious 8 hours of sleep does not apply to everyone. Even sleep is an individual matter for each person.
There are people who require 8 hours of sleep. Some can get by with 5 hours. The golden mean is 6-8 hours.
Go to bed without a computer!
The laptop belongs on the table and not on the thighs. The cause is excessive heating of the male genital area. The scrotum ensures the testicles are at the right temperature and function normally. This is disturbed at low temperature and also at high ambient temperature.
There are aids on the market to remove this effect in the form of various tables.
Question to the body, dear partners, comrades, companions, husbands, wives:
Does harmony play a primary role in your relationship? Or does it creak here and there?
Occasional disagreements are sometimes the spark to better sex. Everyone is familiar with making up in bed. But beware of long-standing disagreements, they can be responsible for erectile dysfunction. If you care about your relationship and can't handle it yourself, seek help.
Fear of losing intimacy and also fear of failure are reasons why things don't work out in bed. A shy young man who is not yet experienced may struggle with failure. Consequently, this accounts for the fear of failure in the sexual act.
In this case, again, a higher level of communication between partners helps.
Low sexual attractiveness of the partner is also one of the causes that fall under the psychogenic component of erectile dysfunction. Here there is no universal remedy. Both partners need to work on whether this cause can be corrected at all.
In the lines above, you can see the components that are directly related to or partially based on lifestyle. Although we are nearing the end, we are getting closer to the main enemies of erection.
Alcohol, nicotine and drugs are the trio that will turn your sex organ into bait for freshwater fish. If you want to avoid erectile dysfunction, or need to regain the quality of your penis erection, avoid them.
Alcohol, in small doses, is not harmful. It's good for your health and your erection. It's even been described as having positive effects. But don't take that as a recommendation or an excuse to consume it.
My personal opinion is alcohol = enemy.
0.5 per mille of alcohol in the blood is enough to disable the sexual union. That's why drinking higher doses of alcohol is not recommended.
Smoking in the long run damages the body from the roots of the hair to the toes. It causes atherosclerosis, reduced blood supply to the heart muscle and penis too.
If you are interested in coronary artery disease and erectile dysfunction, smoke.
Information about lung cancer and other cancers is well known and the internet is full of it.
Drug addiction affects the psyche. Drug addiction impairs the psyche, depression, fitness and, as with illicit drugs, the overall health of the body.
Drugs are the cause of impotence and many other diseases.
Even some drugs cause erectile dysfunction. But their use is important for the management of the disease. How to correct potency, it is necessary to consult a doctor.
Failure to comply with or skipping regular drug therapy can worsen the state of health. Therefore, arbitrary change of treatment is not recommended.
On the subject of medication, one cannot fail to mention the condition of a long-term disease. By this we mean diseases for which a man is being treated or should be treated. If the primary problem is neglected, erectile dysfunction may occur secondarily. Therefore, it is essential to think about this connection as well.
In Eastern culture, acupuncture was and is used to improve potency. Nowadays, the rest of the world is also inclined to use it.
Conclusion with impotence
Do not despair if the cause of your disorder has an organic cause.
A general practitioner, urologist, andrologist, sexologist, neurologist, psychologist or even a psychiatrist can help you.
In case you do not want to seek professional help yet, there is an option. Dietary supplements are not a carrier of the drug and their negative effect on the organism is only theoretical.
In this case, the rule of long-term support applies.
Because of the absence of the drug, they usually do not have an immediate effect. Their maximum effect is only apparent after several weeks of use.
With dietary supplements, remember that they are really just supplements and do not replace rational nutrition. And if you are on long-term treatment, it is advisable to consult your doctor.
Now you know the connection to lifestyle and erection control. It's up to you what you take to heart from the article and what you start with.
If you are one of the lucky 25%, you are on the track to success. Your goal is clear and the path to it is known. I cross my fingers and trust that these sentences have given you the energy to fight erectile dysfunction.