Home treatment of sore throat: how can we speed up pain relief?

Home treatment of sore throat: how can we speed up pain relief?
Zdroj foto: Cserhelyi photo

The treatment of sore throats consists in the correct estimation or diagnosis of the inflammation. And this is mainly because it can be caused by either a virus or a bacteria. Here the treatment of the different types differs. But we have some home recipes for sore throats for you.

Does your throat hurt and scratch and you don't know how to help yourself? You can support professional treatment with home, folk treatment.

This part of the article on inflammation in the throat is devoted to the treatment of inflammation. There are medicines available. The second group is the home treatment of inflammation in the throat, and it is as our grandmothers knew it.

How to treat an inflamed throat?

Inflammation in the throat can be caused by several causative agents, from microorganisms from the realm of bacteria to viruses. Distinguishing the causative agent of the disease is as important as the correct treatment.

Why do we write the right treatment?

It can be caused by bacteria, but it can also be caused by viruses.

medicines, syrup, pills
Medication after consultation with a doctor or pharmacist. Photo source: thinkstock photos

Drugs from the pharmacy

Antibiotics help with bacterial inflammation. But they are ineffective with viral inflammation. That's why it's useless to run to the doctor for antibiotics.

Often, every sore throat is treated with antibiotics. This is not correct. The doctor should first find the cause and then choose the appropriate treatment.

Excessive and improper use of antibiotics takes its toll.

Bacteria get used to certain types of antibiotics, build up resistance, and the antibiotic loses its effect.

In the case of inflammation caused by viruses, the situation is different. Antivirals, which are drugs with an effect against viruses, are used only in emergency situations.

Treatment is therefore approached symptomatically. That is, the symptoms are treated and not the cause. Examples are fever, pain, stuffy nose, cough.

Fever and pain

Medicines for fever are called antipyretics. And they usually have an analgesic effect (pain-relieving effect). The most suitable medicine is one that has an anti-inflammatory effect. This is the active ingredient ibuprofen, for example.

Rhinitis and cough

The main medicines used for a cold are those that are injected into the nose. For a cough, these are either medicines to suppress the cough or to promote expectoration.

For dry coughs, these are antitussives and for wet coughs, expectorants or mucolytics.

Topical treatment

For sore throats, topical antibiotics can be used. But the same rule applies to these as to general ones. They can be bought without a prescription. However, it is better to consult a doctor about their use.

There are topical drugs with disinfectant and antibacterial effect. They are in the form of sprays, tablets for sucking, solutions for rinsing, tinctures.

Herbal teas are also suitable for rinsing, but also for regular drinking. You can also supplement homeopathic treatment. With herbs, but also with other preparations, you need to be careful about allergies.


It is important to supplement vitamins and trace elements. Do not forget vitamin C, D and zinc. Vitamin D must be supplied to the body especially in winter. Insufficient levels are caused by a lower dose of sunlight.

But it is best to supplement the whole spectrum of vitamins and elements. It is also good to remember to support the intestinal microflora.

Probiotics are beneficial, as are prebiotics.

vitamins, oranges, orange juice
Vitamin C can also be supplemented with suitable food. Photo source: thinkstock photos

A suitable regimen during illness

Among the regimen measures should be included bed rest. Exclude any exertion, whether physical or mental.

Adequate sleep is very important.

Do not forget to drink. The best are the already mentioned herbal teas, pure water, natural fruit juices. Carbonated, sweetened and otherwise flavoured drinks are inappropriate.

Beware of dehydration. It puts the body at risk. It threatens every age group, especially children and the elderly.

Ventilation is important, don't overheat. Avoid socialising, it's best to stay at home. This will prevent it spreading to other people in your area.

In the family, isolation is best. Own utensils, hygiene items like towels. And more frequent personal hygiene. Cleanliness and disinfection of surfaces (handles, switches) is also needed.

You should avoid smoking altogether, or at least keep it to a minimum, because it lowers immunity and is particularly negative in times of illness.

Home treatment for sore and painful throats

home recipe, mortar, herbs
Herbs will help. Photo source: thinkstock photos

Pharmacies are full of medicines. It is better to consult a doctor about their suitability and use.

Even a pharmacist can recommend the best that works.

But apart from medicines, we know the advice of our grandmothers, folk healers and folk remedies. In the past, they were used to treat pain and support the body in the fight against illness.


It is advisable to gargle when you have a sore throat. You can prepare suitable gargling solutions at home without any economic burden. Their preparation is simple and does not take much time.

Gargling solution made from ingredients:

  • Water
  • teaspoon of baking soda
  • for flavouring you can choose lemon juice

Use this homemade gargle preparation in the beginning and every hour. But the easiest gargle from the home kitchen is a solution consisting of a glass of water and a teaspoon of salt.

Alternatively, herbs can be added to the gargling solution. These are mainly sage, chamomile, borage and also plantain or thyme. They are suitable for gargling but also for sipping.

A decoction of wormwood is also a good gargle to relieve sore throats. But allergy sufferers should be careful with this.

Herbal teas and decoctions

tea, cup, tea bag
The tea and decoction can be gargled, but also drunk. Photo source: Thinkstock photos

The herbs mentioned in gargling are also suitable to drink. However, remember that it is better to let the tea cool down and not to drink it hot. As for the dosage, even a good one does a lot of harm.

Everything, including herbs, should be approached with common sense. Caution should be exercised in the case of pregnancy and breastfeeding. Herbs suitable for decoction for drinking and gargling:

  • calendula flower
  • Sage
  • Thyme
  • myrrh
  • chamomile
  • plantain
  • burdock
  • wormwood

Try the throat wrap

Wrap your throat in a scarf, a scarf, a cloth. First, soak it in cold water and wring it out. Then wrap your throat in it, with plastic and a dry layer of warm fabric, such as a scarf again.

This wrap is best applied at night. But repeated use several times a day is also recommended. Instead of plain water, you can also choose a cool herbal decoction.

One of the grandmother's recipes advises a salt wrap. The fabric is soaked in a salty solution. Then the neck is wrapped in the same way as with the water wrap. It is left on for 2 hours.

The old advice also mentions a curd poultice. Spread the curd on a nappy or scarf. Wrap it around the neck. Then add a layer of fabric such as a scarf. Also best applied at night.

Oatmeal or oatmeal wraps are also mentioned for a similar purpose. These are good to moisten slightly and warm. Then make a neck wrap.

Helpers from the kitchen

garlic, cloves
Garlic has local anti-inflammatory effects. Photo source: thinkstock photos

There are foods in the kitchen that are helpful for sore throats. These are mainly onion, garlic, horseradish, honey, cinnamon, cloves, lemon and ginger. All of these have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Chicken soup is good. One suffers from inappetence and a sore throat makes it unpleasant to take food, but real chicken broth will help for satiety and inflammation.

Fruits and vegetables are important for vitamin replenishment. Juiced fruits or vegetables are suitable. Sauerkraut is excellent. In addition to vitamins, it will also support the intestinal microflora.

When using homemade recipes, it is important to think about pregnancy, breastfeeding, and also the peculiarity of the child's age. The dose for an adult is not the same for a child.

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The aim of the portal and content is not to replace professional examination. The content is for informational and non-binding purposes only, not advisory. In case of health problems, we recommend seeking professional help, visiting or contacting a doctor or pharmacist.