Healthy hokkaido soup for allergy sufferers. Do you know this recipe?

Hokkaido soup is very healthy on its own, but we will prepare it in an even healthier version that is especially suitable for people with allergies.
Article content
Difficulty | Medium |
Preparation | 25 minutes + 45 minutes cooking |
Portions | 6 persons |
The hokkaido pumpkin is healthy and full of vitamins in itself. We bring you a recipe for a tasty and slightly exotic hokkaido soup suitable for those with allergies.
With autumn comes the pumpkin season. The hokkaido is definitely one of the most popular ones.
The hokkaido pumpkin can be prepared in many different ways, including different variations of sauces and soups. We will prepare one of these, with an exotic combination of spices and ingredients.
The biggest advantage is its high beta-carotene content, which is already evident in its beautiful orange colour.
It is also a great help for inflammation and inflammatory diseases. Thanks to its antioxidant content, it is also useful for cleansing the body and for stomach problems.
It also contains many vitamins and minerals such as A, B, C, E, K, omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids. It also contains folic acid, pantothenic acid, potassium, lutein and zeaxatin. These contribute to good eye health. Fiber, iron, calcium, magnesium or phosphorus contribute to good digestion.
Its low calorie content makes it a popular food. It also helps to lower blood pressure and is suitable for diabetics.
Some sources even state that it has anti-parasitic properties. Thanks to its composition, it helps in protecting cells and maintaining skin health.
Another ingredient in our soup, carrots, also contains a large amount of beta-carotene.
Carrots are also rich in vitamins A, B, C, D and E. They are a rich source of magnesium, calcium and iron and even antioxidants. They are low in sugars and fats.
It has a very good effect on the health of our eyes, brain function and memory improvement, and on the protection of the liver and the entire immune system.
Healthy hokkaido soup for allergy sufferers will bring us many balmy effects. It is not only tasty, but it will also strengthen our body.
Our recipe is suitable for people who are lactose and gluten intolerant. It will also enrich the diet of anyone who likes a varied and healthy diet.
So go ahead.
Ingredients for the soup
- 1 small hokkaido pumpkin (should be slightly soft, but not mushy)
- 4 carrots
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 small fresh ginger
- 1 orange
- 200 ml coconut milk
- 200 ml coconut cooking cream
- olive oil
- salt
- allspice
- bay leaf
- nutmeg
- turmeric
- black pepper
Recipe for healthy hokkaido soup
1. Wash the hokkaido pumpkin properly, peel and cut into quarters. Remove the seeds from the quarters and cut the cleaned marigolds into small cubes (about 2-4 cm, depending on their hardness).
Some people don't peel the pumpkin because, according to some sources, it contains the most vitamins. So if you don't want to, don't peel the pumpkin and cook with it.
You don't have to throw the seeds away. You can salt them and bake them to make roasted pumpkin seeds.
2. Clean and chop the carrots too. And put both ingredients together in salted water to boil.
3. Add also the cleaned whole garlic cloves. Put the allspice and bay leaf in a cooking bag and put them in the water.
If you don't have such bags, you will have to fish out the spices, so remember how much you put in.
4. Boil together for about half an hour, until the carrots and pumpkin are soft.
5. When the ingredients are soft, remove the bay leaf and allspice and blend everything together with the water. Return the thoroughly blended mixture to the fire.
6. Prepare a mixture of coconut milk and cream, some grated ginger, very finely grated nutmeg and a little turmeric. Whisk everything together and add to the soup.
7. Simmer briefly, and when the soup starts to bubble, add half or all of the orange juice to taste.
Also add a little grated orange zest, which adds aroma and flavour to the soup.
8. The soup is ready when all the ingredients have been mixed and simmered briefly.
The soup is best served with toasted pumpkin, sunflower or flax seeds, which are just lightly sprinkled on top. You can also toast them all together.
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