Healthy broccoli soup full of vitamins? You will love this recipe

We bring you a recipe for a quick and healthy version of broccoli soup that is suitable for vegans or allergy sufferers. Guaranteed to please everyone.
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Difficulty | Low |
Preparation | 45 minutes |
Portions | 4 persons |
Broccoli soup is one of those soups that we either love or hate. Everyone will love this one, however, because it's packed with vitamins and tasty ingredients.
The main ingredient in our recipe is, of course, broccoli. Do you know what you get by eating it?
This green vegetable is a great source of vitamin C. We also get vitamin A, B complex, vitamin H and K. There is also anibeta carotene, calcium, iron, selenium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sulphur and chromium.
It is said that the greener the broccoli, the more beta-carotene and vitamin C it contains.
Thanks to these substances, it helps us in the proper functioning of the blood system or for bone health. It is therefore also recommended in the treatment of osteoporosis, against over-hydration and for liver, stomach, gallbladder and kidney diseases.
Thanks to the fibre, which is abundant in broccoli, it aids proper digestion.
Broccoli's greatest weapon is its antioxidant content, which helps it fight cancer and inflammation. It also helps prevent cancer, especially lung cancer in smokers, colon cancer and uterine cancer.
Calorie counters will be most pleased to know that 100 grams of this miracle contains only 143 kJ, or 34 kcal.
Broccoli is also popular with fitness trainers and athletes for its combination of minerals and vitamins, which is best suited for proper muscle function and recovery. It also stimulates carbohydrate and protein metabolism.
- Olive oil
- salt
- ground black pepper
- basil
- soy sauce
- coconut milk
- 2-4 cloves of garlic
- sage bulbs
- small green broccoli
How to prepare a healthy broccoli soup
1. Boil the broccoli in salted water. It's best to cut off at least 1 cm of the leg before cooking, or more if you don't like the tough parts.
2. When tender, remove the broccoli and cut into smaller pieces. It is best to cut the leg into small cubes and the florets into as small pieces as possible.
Keep a few florets for garnish.
3. Fry a small but fresh onion in olive or coconut oil (you can also use two small shallots).
4. When the onions are golden, add the garlic and fry together for a while.
5. Add the cubes and florets of the cooked and prepared broccoli and cover everything together with about half the water in which it was cooked.
6. Simmer for a while with the spices and add the coconut milk. If you like it thicker, feel free to add a tablespoon of cornstarch to the milk.
It is a good idea to whisk or whisk the milk and starch well first so that lumps do not form.
7. After cooking for a while, mix everything together. Finally, return to the heat and leave to simmer for a while. Finally, add the discarded rosettes.
Season to taste and serve with crumbled mozzarella, grated Parmesan cheese or even fresh toast with garlic.
The soup is excellent for people with intolerances or diets. It is very rich in vitamins and minerals and also very filling.