Cottage cheese - health benefits and what does it contain? It is the white gold of our diet

Cottage cheese has several great properties. It is an excellent kitchen helper, it can be prepared in perhaps a hundred ways. It is a delicacy for both sweet and salty eaters. However, it also contains many beneficial substances, which is why it is also popular with athletes and fans of healthy eating.
Cottage cheese is an excellent kitchen helper. It is easy to change and can be used in a variety of ways.
In addition to the kitchen, it can also be used as a cosmetic product in the form of wraps and masks for glowing skin.
It can enrich our diet at breakfast in the form of various spreads, in desserts and cakes, salads and even as part of a side dish to a main meal.
For example, sweet potatoes are a suitable accompaniment to meat or its vegan substitute, or to soya or tofu.
The fact that they are easy to combine is due above all to their variety. There are several types of curd. In addition to hard and soft curds, there are also hard curds for grating, for baking, whipped curds and various curd creams and desserts. Of all the types, we can also choose the fat content in dry matter, namely full-fat, semi-fat, low-fat and non-fat.
There is also a plant-based vegan cottage cheese. However, our article deals with the animal one.
Cottage cheese is also popular with bodybuilders and health food lovers. Thanks to its composition, it is filling, gives the body energy and, above all, is easy to digest.
It contains many minerals and vitamins, ingredients such as folic acid and omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids. It contains beta-carotene, riboflavin, thiamine, A, B6, B12, C, D, E, potassium, fluorine, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, selenium, calcium and zinc.
The advantage is the easily digestible protein, minimum fat and carbohydrates. The proof is that in 250 g of cottage cheese there are only 163 calories.
Cottage cheese is an excellent substitute for meat in a vegetarian diet. Its composition makes it easily digestible and the body retains only the necessary nutrients from it.
It is also useful in the actual defecation process. It deacidifies and cleanses the intestinal contents, thus ridding the digestion of harmful substances, microbes and carcinogenic substances. Overall, it supports the metabolism.
It is also beneficial for the circulatory system, as its fats lower cholesterol levels.
Consuming cottage cheese is also excellent for maintaining healthy bones, teeth, nails and as a prevention against osteoporosis.
It is recommended for developing children, women over 40 and pregnant women. In pregnancy, cottage cheese is recommended for the healthy development of the baby, but it will also promote muscle function and recovery. It will help the heart muscle function properly and also muscle contractions.
When consumed regularly, it is beneficial for the nerves, against tension or anxiety.
It also prevents the brain cells from dying, thus promoting their proper function. It helps in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and depression.
Cottage cheese is a balm for our body and soul. It supports the immune system and in the form of a great food, it also promotes a good mood.
Try our recipes for cakes with cottage cheese