Treatment of spinal stenosis: Medication, exercise, surgery
Treatment is divided into conservative and surgical.
Conservative treatment, especially in the acute stage, includes bed rest and pain relief. Pharmacotherapy with analgesics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - antiphlogistics, muscle relaxants- for muscle relaxation and sprains.
Topical applications are also available, for example various ointments, patches or gels with analgesic or local anesthetic effect. Warming patches and application of dry heat are good, too.
A lumbar orthosis, corset, neck collar, waist belt, back braces can help as well.
Exercise designed according to the condition of the spine helps. It strengthens the back muscles. The right posture and movement habits are important.
Ergonomics should be considered, both at home and at work.
Today, there is a back school, trainers and therapists with experience in the field.
Sufficient movement and limitation of inactivity is necessary. The sedentary lifestyle is the source of various back problems.
Proper physical activity must be consulted with a doctor, especially in the case of other diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, respiratory diseases, etc.).
In case of health restriction of the spine, a normal gait is sufficient, which should be regular and in a daily dose.
Suitable for swimming, cycling, running, cross-country skiing, Nordic Walking, the mentioned walking, therapeutic gymnastics or medical training therapy.
Of course, rehabilitation, physiotherapy or acupuncture are important.
It is necessary to think about a healthy lifestyle with a focus on rational nutrition. Plenty of vitamins, minerals, plus nutritional supplements containing vitamins C, E or B complex, for consideration and joint support.
If the conservative approach is inefficient, it is necessary to consult a neurosurgeon who will consider whether a surgery would be more optimal. The indication is severe stenosis and cauda equina syndrome. The task is to widen the spinal canal and strengthen the affected part of the spine.