Treatment of scleroderma: Can it be stopped? What medications and measures will help?

The diagnosis is followed by treatment and it is chosen according to the individual type of scleroderma. Treatment must be thorough, and check-ups should be regular.

A complete cure is not possible at this time, as the cause is unknown. In some cases of the systemic form, treatment may be insufficient and ineffective despite efforts.

The main goal is to slow progression and reduce inflammatory activity. Treatment is also focused on symptom to relieve the pain. For example, nonsteroidal antirheumatic drugs, analgesics, corticoids, cytostatics, D-penicillamine are used.

To reduce individual organ damage, specific medication is prescribed (heart, lungs, blood vessels, kidneys and others).

Regimental measures are also important.

Do not restrict movement and do physical activities. Of course, these measures should be chosen according to individual possibilities.

Rehabilitation, occupational therapy, lymphatic drainage, skin care, massages, bandages, therapeutic gymnastics, spas, avoidinhg cold, appropriate clothing are all important additions.

It is important to avoid stress and psychological overload. That means enough rest, relaxation and sleep. Of course, it is necessary to follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle.

Natural and alternative treatments must be consulted with a specialist.

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