Treatment of Scheuermann's disease: medication, physiotherapy

The treatment discipline of the child is important in the treatment. Family support is needed. Due to the unpleasant aesthetic side of the disease, girls are mainly under higher psychological pressure.

In the acute stage, regimental measures are welcome, i.e. the limitation of increased physical exertion.

Following the onset of the acute phase, it is important to observe regular but appropriate physical activity.

The movement is intended to ensure the development of muscle balance and strengthening of the muscular corset of the torso of the body, back, pelvis, and thus the overall muscular strength.

It is good to consult a doctor or physiotherapy specialist for suitable sports activities.

Long-term sitting is not appropriate, so even at school the child must be allowed to change position during class. Children are prohibited from unilateral loading and lifting of loads, and unwanted strength training, such as strengthening, is an example.

On the contrary, certain swimming and exercise techniques are appropriate, for example, according to McKenzie, Klapp exercises, and other therapeutic physical exercises.

Physiotherapy therefore represents the first place in the treatment, but also the prevention of future complications and back pain.

Some methods of physical therapy may be suitable, such as electrotherapy, thermotherapy. Massages will help. Overall, rehabilitation also has a preventive purpose.

Kyphosis up to 40 degrees does not require any special therapeutic methods.
The main thing is physical activity.

The corset helps to alleviate the progression of the disease. It is used for kyphosis over 40 degrees.

However, wearing it all day and night is restrictive and burdensome for this age, even aesthetically.

In the beginning, a 23-hour wear is required, with an hour for personal hygiene. Later, the wearing time of the corset is shortened.

Pain medications, ie analgesics and medicines from other drug groups that are recommended by your doctor, will help to relieve pain.

Surgical treatment is rarely necessary. It is stated that only 1% of those affected necessarily need a surgical solution.

Surgery is performed for kyphosis higher than 75° and after conservative methods have failed. Different operating methods are used, namely the back approach and the combined approach.

Evaluation of appropriate treatment, whether conservative or invasive, is highly individual.

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