Treatment, medication, diet, hydrating

The treatment of salmonellosis is based on several methods. 

• Rehydration 

Taking sufficient fluids for the duration of diarrhea. Infusions are goven if rehydration is insufficient.

• Diet

Exclusion of fatty and irritating foods, milk, meat, chocolate, leafy vegetables, and fresh fruit, except bananas.

Low-residue diet

Potato or rice porridge, root vegetable soup, dry bread, rusk.

In infants, there are several possible changes to be made. Breastfeeding is not interrupted, better personal hygiene of both mother and baby, you may want to add rice or carrot broth.

In non-lactating infants, the diet includes rice or carrot broth, an oral rehydration solution (ORS) containing sodium, potassium, bicarbonate and glucose (as recommended by the WHO).

If you switch to a normal diet too quickly, the infection may return.

• Medication

Patients are given antidiarrheal medicines (bone char, Smecta, Endiex, Imodium).

Most patients are cured within 4-7 days without antibiotics. Antibiotics are not recommended in cases of mild disease in healthy individuals.

Treatment with antibiotics is recommended:

  • in people with a severe course of infection
  • in people with compromised immune systems, e.g. HIV or chemotherapy drugs
  • in adults over 50 years of age with serious associated conditions, such as heart disease
  • in newborns younger than 12 months
  • in adults over 65 years of age
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