Treatment of pemphigus: Drugs and topical therapies

The aim of pemphigus treatment is mainly to stop the formation of blisters, to alleviate or even disappear the symptoms of the disease.

What is the course of treatment?

Pemphigus belongs to the group of chronic blistering skin diseases. It is therefore a long-term disease. The patient must realize that the treatment is lengthy and requires a huge amount of patience.

In general, the slow healing of the manifestations usually takes 1 to 3 months.

Corticosteroids are used in the treatment of pemphigus. Their therapeutic dose is chosen according to the extent of the disease.

The doctor can reduce the dose of systemic corticosteroids only after the disease has reached a degree of control. Or if new blisters no longer form and the old blisters have healed.

After 14 days, the doctor may reduce the dose of corticosteroids by 25%. However, if fewer than 3 blisters appear, they must return to the last dose.

If there is a recurrence (reappearance, worsening of symptoms), the corticosteroid dose must be increased again. After 2 weeks, the dose can be reduced again.

The following table lists the different drugs from the corticosteroid group that are used in the treatment of pemphigus

Medication Application form Effects
Methylprednisolone Tablet Suppresses symptoms of local inflammation - fever, swelling, pain, redness
Prednisone Tablet Suppresses inflammation, allergic symptoms
Betamethasone Suspension for injection Relieves inflammation, swelling, itching

If corticosteroid treatment does not work, the doctor may add immunosuppressants to the treatment:

Immunosuppressants I. Choice

  • Azathioprine
  • Mycophenolate mofetil

Immunosuppressive treatment has many side effects in addition to its curative effects. The incidence of side effects depends on the duration of administration. Higher doses are also of great importance.

Side effects can be divided into the following groups:

  • mineralocorticoids - increase in blood pressure, fluid and sodium retention
  • glucocorticoids - obesity, osteoporosis, impaired glucose tolerance
  • psychiatric - depression, paranoid states

Local treatment

Local treatment of pemphigus is given great importance.

Repeated admixture baths are applied:

  • disinfectant
  • astringent substances (tannin)
  • reducing agent (ichthamol)

Emollients, epithelizing creams and topical corticosteroids can be used for local treatment.

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