Narcolepsy treatment: what medications will help and what else is important?
Due to the fact that the cause is still unclear, the possibility of treating narcolepsy is still relatively limited. Narcolepsy is most often treated with a combination of regimen measures and drug therapy.
During the day, a person affected by this disease takes drugs from the category of psychostimulants, which prevent sleep during the day, so they have a stimulating effect. Antidepressants are used before bedtime, which also have sedative effects, thus helping the narcoleptic to sleep better in the evening.
Adherence to certain regime measures and principles is also very important. Getting up and falling asleep should be at the same time every day. This will ensure that the body gets used to the regular day and night regime.
It is also important not to eat heavy meals at night. During the day, one must avoid increased physical activity so that the body does not suffer from overload and fatigue. Alcoholic beverages and nicotine, which can have tiring and sleeping effects, should also be avoided permanently.