
For each form of myopathy, the treatment is different. In muscular dystrophy, the disease is completely incurable, but it is possible to slow its progression. Which will help stabilize the disease for a while. In the case of hereditary forms, genetic and cell therapy is being tested.

Treatment is mainly in the form of immunosuppressive therapy and administration of corticosteroids. Cyclosporine is also given to suppress immunity and reduce inflammation. Adherence to a specific diet is also important.

In myositis, treatment is also a combination of several forms. It is a drug therapy that aims to alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Corticosteroids, immunosuppressants, or cytostatics are given. 

Physiotherapy and exercise are also used here, which must be combined with rest and relaxation. In myotonic myopathy, steroids, quinine, acetazolamide are used for treatment, and rehabilitation is also required. Patients with more severe conditions also use orthoses and rehabilitation aids.

Rehabilitation therapy, with the help of a professional physiotherapist, is of great importance in any form of illness. Physiotherapy can be reflexology, respiratory, and various others. Also in the form of spa treatment. Orthopedic aids are important. This is used to support the spine or limbs, as well as to adjust the deformation of the spine.

Caring for a person with this type of disease requires total care. During immobilization, a person is dependent on another person because he is not capable of self-care. In such cases, medical devices such as various barrels, walkers, a toilet extension, ie a toilet booster, as well as a base bowl, a pheasant are also used. An adjustable bed or anti-decubitus aids are important. Their task is to prevent bedsores. Information on bedsores is available in a separate article.

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