How to treat otitis media? Medication, antibiotics and surgery.

Treatment of otitis media proceeds in certain principles. These attach importance to the elimination of the cause, but also to the suppression of the manifestations. Treatment is also important in avoiding complications. Since 25% of the cases of the disease are due to viral infection, it is necessary to support the body to manage the infection quickly.

Antibiotic therapy is used in cases of bacterial inflammation. Thus, the treatment of symptoms, i.e. symptomatological treatment such as pain, is important. Analgesics are administered, but also local anaesthetics. If there is an increase in pressure on the eardrum, and therefore its dislocation, paracentesis is performed.

Paracentesis is a procedure in which an artificial passage is created in the eardrum. The eardrum is punctured and the secretion or pus can flow out. This relieves pressure on the eardrum and in the middle ear cavity. 

In about 20% of cases, when increased pressure in the cavity and accumulation of discharge is present, spontaneous rupture (perforation) of the eardrum occurs. Paracentesis is then no longer performed. 

Excess discharge from the ear must be removed.

Various solutions are used, e.g. drugs to relieve the swelling of the mucous membrane.

It is also important to properly clean the chlid's nose and remove mucus from the nose. Air showers can be used (according to Politzer).

It is necessary to lower the body temperature in case of a fever. Antipyretics are used. The advantage is that pain killers and antipyretics are combined and therefore act on the pain as well as on the high body temperature.

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