Lymphedema and its treatment: lifestyle interventions and medications

Treatment of lymphedema is relatively complex. It consists mainly in alleviating physical manifestations, and thus in alleviating swelling. Regime measures play an important role. Sufficient physical activity or exercise is also included here. Such as vascular gymnastics, walking, or cycling.

Hydrotherapy includes swimming and exercising in water. Physical activity should take place once, optimally twice a day. The movement of the muscles of the lower limbs significantly helps the outflow of lymph from the lower limbs. And this also applies to blood. This type of conservative treatment predominates in up to 99 percent.

Physical therapy, and thus manual lymphatic drainage, which should take place twice a day for 40-60 minutes. And in the course of 4 - 6 weeks. Another method is intermittent instrument compression. Rehabilitation is appropriate. Subsequently, compression support helps in the treatment, ie a compression bandage or elastic sleeve, or stockings.

The treatment has the main goals:

  • swelling reduction
  • support and activation of the capillary lymphatic pump, ie lymphatic drainage, by movement
  • increasing the range of motion of the limb
  • pain relief
  • improving the quality of life
  • prevention of complications

It is important to avoid risky positions, such as standing or sitting for a long time. Prevention of complications plays an important role. Pharmacological treatment is used as adjunctive therapy, such as the administration of antibiotics (ATB) in bacterial inflammation. Surgical treatment is rare.

Similarly, temperature extremes must be avoided. Protect limbs from direct exposure to frost or sun. Even a hot tub or sauna is not suitable. Prevention against injuries, even insect bites. Needles and acupuncture needles are not inserted into the affected limb. This is also the case when measuring blood pressure, it should be performed on a healthy limb. Also, you should avoid wearing clothes that are too tight.

Of course, conservative treatment is lifelong. This disease significantly affects the life of the affected person. Therefore, it is appropriate to consider psychotherapy, for example in the form of group therapy. Pay attention to a healthy lifestyle.

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