What is the treatment for lumbago? Medications, exercises and regimen measures

The treatment has several variants. These include pharmacotherapy, physical therapy, regimens, sprays, manual techniques, massages, physiotherapy, or even alternative treatments.


In acute treatment, pharmacotherapy is mainly used, the role of which is to relieve pain. Regimen measures are used in conjunction with this treatment.

It uses drugs such as:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs NSAIDs
  • muscle relaxants, a drug for relieving muscle tension
  • paracetamol
  • corticoids
  • opioids

The drugs can be in different dosage forms. Topical ointments, gels, or patches are also suitable.

Regime measures and physical activity

The regime measures are calculated and peace in bed. However, this is not necessary. Physical activity is limited mainly to actions that are provocative and aggravate difficulties.

A complete omission of movement is only necessary if even the simplest movement makes it difficult. Absolute peace in that case is pain relief.

A full bed room should not last longer than 4 days.

It is necessary to limit:

  1. heavy physical exertion
  2. lifting loads
  3. physical activities with a rapid change in movement and direction
  4. seating

Physical activities such as walking, walking with sticks (trekking poles) - nordic walking, swimming, or cycling are suitable.

It is beneficial to master the exercises, the task of which is to strengthen the back muscles and the general body core, which helps the spine to maintain the weight of the body and the load during movement.

In case of already encountered difficulties, it is advisable to seek the advice of an expert. The team can be a physiotherapist, but also a trainer with experience in the field.

Caution: Dry heat
is suitable for lumbag. PROHIBITION  - hot water,  bath or shower. Deterioration may occur!

Physical therapy

This treatment uses physical resources to act to improve health. Heat, electricity, or magnet therapy is well known.

In case of spinal problems, for example:

  • thermotherapy - treatment with heat, cold, which relaxes muscles and pain
  • electrotherapy - a low-frequency electric current, the effect of which is also to relieve pain and muscle relaxants
  • magnetotherapy - low-frequency pulsed magnetotherapy, with muscle relaxation, muscle stiffness, and pain
  • ultrasonotherapy is an ultrasound treatment, the effect of which is the action of the micro-massage principle on the relaxation of muscles and pain
  • laser therapy

Surgical treatment is chosen only if there are more serious causes for the difficulties. In the case of single lumbago, it is not an indication.

You ask:  How long has lumbago been treated?

In the case of a minor condition, it can be days or weeks.

The chronic form can be treated for years. Plus + requires a complete lifestyle change.

In the case of chronic problems, a spa treatment is also important. However, this lengthy form also leaves traces on the human psyche. And so psychotherapy is also important.

It is important to prevent ...

Of course, prevention can take various forms. However, it is important to combine several things into one complex in order to expect the maximum preventive effect.

The main preventive measures include, for example:

  1. suitable bed, and therefore a mattress - when choosing it is better to follow the instructions of an expert, the seller
  2. The pillow should be selected equally individually to suit the needs of the individual
  3. position in sleep and when you sleep, the worst position is the position on the belly - that is on the belly NO
  4. mastering the right sitting
  5. sufficient physical activity - suitable form 
  6. working environment - suitable work table and chair 
  7. lifting loads and loading the spine - mastering the right technique
  8. overweight and obesity  - reasonable weight reduction
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