How to treat laryngitis? Medications and lifestyle interventions

Professional treatment focuses on reducing swelling and thus improving breathing.

Adrenaline inhalation is used, cold nebulization - inhalation of cold and humid air. It is supplemented intravenously. that is, intravenous IV therapy using corticosteroids - dexamethasone, prednisone (rectal - rectal), antihistamines to reduce airway swelling and inflammation.

In the case of the severe form, tracheal intubation is necessary, in case of its failure a coniotomy. 

For shortness of breath, the position is important - when a sitting position is chosen.

Plus are served:

  • antitussives
  • the antihistamines used are sufficient to alleviate the condition
  • sedatives could impair respiration - the risk of respiratory depression
  • antibiotics are given to confirm bacterial superinfection
    • otherwise, they are unnecessary in laryngitis because they do not affect viruses
  • salt inhalation - Vincentka

What else will help:

  • saving voice
  • in adulthood, the elimination of smoking and alcohol
  • vitamins C, D, and others
  • drinking regime
  • bedroom

Prevention is also suitable :

  • do not overheat during the heating season
  • sufficient movement 
  • proper nutrition, vitamins, minerals
  • hardening
  • maintain cleanliness in the home environment
  • movement in nature
  • medical or spa
  • do not smoke and do not drink

What should I do in the acute stage of laryngitis in a child?

As deterioration and difficulty occur from full health, first aid is necessary.

Summary of basic aid without aids:

  • immediate professional examination
  • call 155  - in severe condition
  • breathe cold and humid air (humid towels in the room or humidifier)
    • open window
    • possibly cooler air from the refrigerator will help 
  • the parent holds the child in his arms - even that calms him
  • in older children, sitting or standing
    • in case of difficulty breathing, the child must not be lying down
  • reassuring the child  - talking to him, explaining the situation, the need to keep calm, having him on his hands
    • the parent must also be calm
  • neck lining - damp towel, diaper in cold water - Priessnitz wrap
  • possibly give lukewarm fluids
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