How is inflammation of the kidneys treated? Drugs and what helps + home treatment

Treatment consists in the deployment of antibiotics.

For more severe infections, hospitalisation and administration of antibiotics directly into the vein is necessary, which works faster than the tablet form of antibiotics.

Pain killers are given for pain.

For severe inflammation, corticosteroids are given.

Diuretics are given to relieve swelling.

In poor kidney function caused by inflammation, blood electrolyte disturbances are detected. In electrolyte disturbances, infusion therapy or dietary supplements in tablet form are given.

Dialysis is performed when there is a significant deterioration in kidney function. This device replaces the affected kidney. It is a necessary temporary treatment.

Treatment of pyelonephritis

In acute uncomplicated pyelonephritis, which has a mild to moderate course (without the presence of nausea and vomiting), antibiotics are given for 10-14 days in the form of tablets.

If the course is severe, hospitalisation is necessary with the administration of antibiotics directly into the vein. Sometimes a double combination of antibiotics is necessary. When the condition improves, antibiotics are given for 14 days in tablet form.

In children with suspected pyelonephritis, treatment must be started as soon as possible.

Up to 30% of patients have a positive haemoculture (presence of bacteria in the blood) and blood sampling is consistent with a urinary tract infection. The aim is to manage the treatment and prevent scarring of the kidneys, which could limit their function.

In children, hospitalization and administration of antibiotics directly into the vein is recommended. Young children often vomit or have diarrhea when antibiotics are given.

In children, antibiotics are given on the basis of culture.

The duration of treatment for infants and toddlers when administering antibiotics directly into the vein is 5-7 days, then in the form of syrups or tablets for another 7-14 days. For newborns, the duration of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

With home treatment and administration of antibiotics in acute pyelonephritis in older children, improvement in condition and a decrease in temperature occurs after 48 hours. If the temperature persists, hospitalization is necessary.


Acute glomerulonephritis

In treatment, hospitalization and strict bed rest is recommended until symptoms such as swelling, blood in the urine and other symptoms disappear. Overmedication with antibiotics (penicillin) is necessary.

In addition to antibiotics, medications are given to reduce all symptoms such as fever, pain, diuretics for edema, and medications to reduce high blood pressure. Heparin is given to prevent the formation of microthrombi in the glomerular veins.

Adherence to a diet with restriction of carbohydrates, salt and protein is also a mainstay of treatment.

In severe conditions, haemodialysis is performed.

Chronic glomerulonephritis

The basis of treatment is the elimination of the inflammatory processes taking place in the body, such as consistent treatment of inflammation of the airways. If deposits are found, their removal is necessary (e.g. tonsillectomy).

Treatment consists of influencing the immunological response and inflammatory manifestations. Corticosteroids, antimetabolites and other drugs are administered to slow the progressive changes in the glomeruli.

A low-protein diet is recommended to reduce urinary protein excretion.

Anticoagulant therapy is given to prevent blood clots.

Home treatment of kidney inflammation

For kidney inflammation, it is necessary to see a doctor and take prescribed antibiotics to cure the inflammation.

Home treatment is recommended as a complementary treatment:

Bed rest: your body needs time to heal and regain energy.

Increased fluid intake: to help the kidneys filter, release waste substances and prevent dehydration.

  • Drinking teas is recommended: urological tea, kidney tea
  • Herbs that support kidney function: parsley, dandelion, ginger, horsetail, nettle, bearberry

It is necessary to maintain dietary precautions.

Diet for kidney disease

  • Sufficient fluids
  • Reduce protein intake
  • Take in enough calories
  • Diet is recommended when mineral levels are high
  • When potassium levels are high, it is recommended not to consume many fruits or vegetables high in potassium
  • Limit foods high in sodium, which can lead to swelling and increased blood pressure. Do not add salt; you can flavor food with herbs and spices
  • Reduce phosphate and calcium intake

Table of restricted foods that impair kidney function

Limit your intake Reason for restriction
  • Salt
Retains fluid in the body, causes swelling, high blood pressure
  • Canned foods
Due to high sodium content
  • Whole grain baked goods
For high potassium content
  • Bananas
Contain high amounts of potassium
  • Dairy products
Have a high protein intake and are a source of calcium and phosphorus
  • Oranges and orange juice
Contain high amounts of potassium
  • Processed meat products
For high salt and protein content
  • Dried fruits
For increased potassium content
  • Spinach and green leafy vegetables
Contain high levels of minerals
  • Apricots
They are high in potassium
  • Avocados
High in potassium
  • Potatoes and sweet potatoes
Contain high amounts of potassium (soaking potatoes in water for at least 4 hours before cooking reduces the amount of potassium)
  • Tomatoes
They are high in potassium

What can you eat on a kidney diet?

When on a kidney diet, care should be taken to ensure a proper energy intake with a low mineral and salt content.

Table of foods allowed on a kidney diet

Allowed foods
Cauliflower Vitamin C, K and B, also suitable as a potato substitute
Blueberries source of nutrients and antioxidants
Asparagus natural diuretic
Sea bass fish with low phosphorus content
Dark grapes vitamin C content
Garlic Vitamin C, B6, manganese, great food flavouring
Buckwheat fibre, magnesium, B vitamins, iron
Kale vitamin K, C, B, fibre
Onions suitable as a flavouring
Arugula vitamins, manganese and calcium
Radishes low in sodium and phosphorus
Shiitake mushrooms vegetable protein, B vitamins, manganese, selenium, copper
Cranberries prevention of urinary tract infection
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