How is Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis treated? Medication, biological treatment and lifestyle

Treatment must be followed by early diagnosis. Early treatment increases the likelihood of limiting progression and reduces the risk of complications.

It is long-term.

Failure to treat may indicate a risk of disability and permanent disability.

It is important regime measures and pharmacological treatment.

In the acute stage, the load on the affected joints is reduced. But beware, it is important to stay active later

The aim of the treatment is: To
suppress the inflammatory process + to alleviate the difficulties  + to maintain the functionality of the joint,strength  and condition of the child + to
ensure the normal growth and development of the child

Of course, the specific treatment depends on several properties and specifics of the disease. However, the longer the inflammation lasts, the higher the risk of joint damage.

They have used  drugs such as:

  • inflammatory drugs  - anti-rheumatic drugs NSAIDs reduce inflammation, pain,
  • analgesics - pain relief, are combined drugs with the effect of reducing fever
  • DMARD  - Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs - disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs
    • immunosuppression, effect of DMARDs (methotrexate)
  • biological treatment
  • corticoids
  • drugs administered to the joint
  • vitamin D, A
  • for skin problems such as psoriasis - creams, gels, ointments
  • eye drops
  • light therapy, bioplasma - phototherapy
  • psychotherapy

What is important is psychological support from family and friends.

Early treatment should ensure an active life at school and in the team.

The child should be in the team. He should be able to perform normal sports activities and daily activities. Study and become an independent adult.

Stress reduction is needed.


Physiotherapy, therapeutic gymnastics, exercise help, initial training by an experienced trainer is suitable. But also occupational therapy or spa.

Think about proper posture. Sometimes splints or inserts are needed.

The lifestyle should include principles such as:

  • enough exercise - suitable physical activities
  • rational diet - should be composed of all food components
  • plenty of vegetables, fruits, fiberhealthy fats
  • maintaining a normal weight
  • nutritional supplements that support the joints - it is necessary to consult an expert
  • vitamins and minerals
  • plenty of rest and sleep
  • drinking regime
  • do not smoke or drink alcohol during puberty
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