How can one help and get rid of insomnia? Treatment and appropriate medication
The treatment for insomnia is to address the causes and symptoms. Within the causes, the diagnosis must determine exactly what causes insomnia and the treatment should be followed accordingly. At the same time, it is important to follow the principles of good sleep hygiene.
Sleep hygiene involves setting a person for a good time to sleep, not sleeping unnecessarily during the day, not drinking stimulant drinks before bed, having a good place and environment for undisturbed sleep, and avoiding stress or physical exhaustion before bed.
It is also possible to administer pharmacological agents to promote sleep. In the short-term form, hypnotics or benzodiazepines are commonly prescribed. This type of treatment is short-term and should not exceed 4 weeks.
In the case of chronic insomnia, a different approach to treatment is chosen. Drugs are used to support non-pharmacological methods. Psychotherapy and proper sleep hygiene are important. In the case of drugs, anxiolytics against anxiety, antidepressants, antipsychotics, hypnotics are used.
It is therefore important to address the cause, for example in the case of stressors to reduce their effects, it can also help adjust the environment or change the bed, mattress or pillow. If it occurs for a long time, the most important are psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques.
In the treatment of insomnia, one can also resort to nutritional supplements, herbs or medicines without a prescription, the suitability of which can be found in a pharmacy. Teas are available to support or induce sleep. And that for adults, old people but also for children. And children and babies as large or small.
Insomnia in school-age children can cause stress or psychological stress at school. Thus, non-pharmacological supportive treatment rather than medication is needed. Alternatively, dietary supplements may help. However, in the case of a child, it is important to consult a doctor.