Treating hypertensive crisis: Immediate treatment is necessary. Why? It is a matter of time...
The basis is immediate treatment - immediately after diagnosis.
The aim is the prevention of complications in terms of a serious threat to health and life. The idea is to keep the vital organs that are the first to suffer in the event of a hypertensive crisis.
In addition to blood flow to the brain, heart, and lungs at such high blood pressure levels, there are various negative changes in the body. What is the help of effective treatment?
In the event of serious difficulties, it is important to call for help and protect the victim from physical and mental stress .
In this case, the emergency medical service begins treatment. Alternatively, if a person is able and seeks treatment himself, then a general practitioner or a doctor in an internal medicine clinic or an emergency room.
Looking at the form:
It is usually sufficient to treat the urgent condition with a tablet form, and thus with oral antihypertensives - oral treatment. Treatment should take place within a few hours of the onset of the problem.
Vice versa.
The emergency form requires necessary and urgent immediate treatment, which should be provided within one hour of onset. Usually requires intravenous access (iv) a parenteral treatment (treatment administered outside the intestinal tract).
Several hours of follow-up, vital signs monitoring, and repeated blood pressure measurements are required. In this case, hospitalization in an intensive care unit is most appropriate.
Blood pressure can never be reduced from hypertension to normal BP values of 120/80. As with such a significant decrease, a vascular disorder of vital organs can occur.
Safe values are given in the range of diastolic blood pressure : dTK 100 - 110 mm Hg . Alternatively, 20% of baseline blood pressure prior to treatment.
In addition to antihypertensives, other drugs are used according to the associated difficulties.
In children, the procedure is basically the same. However, greater emphasis is placed on the gradual and continuous reduction of hypertension. Too rapid normalization of blood pressure would reduce the blood flow to vital organs.
It approaches normal values within 12 - 48 hours.
Prevention is important
As with hypertension, prevention is important and should involve several principles.
Principles belonging to prevention:
- adherence to treatment in high blood pressure
- blood pressure monitoring
- salt intake restriction
- weight reduction in overweight and obesity
- maintaining the correct bodyweight
- limit alcohol
- quit smoking
- reduce stress levels
- regular physical activity and a suitable way of exercising
- Cycling
- swimming
- gymnastics
- pilates, yoga, and others
- walking - daily
- rational nutrition
- plenty of vegetables and fruits
- dietary fiber
- drinking regime
Simply put: Adherence to the intervention of a healthy lifestyle .