Treatment of sores/herpes: is there a cure?
There is no treatment for the herpes virus.
Herpes is a viral disease, so we do not use antibiotics, but an antiviral treatment - acyclovir, either in tablet or as an infusion.
Uncomplicated cold sores should heal and disappear within a week or 10 days. Over-the-counter ointments, creams or patches are also available to treat cold sores.
However, it is important to apply the ointment as soon as the first symptoms appear.
Therapy aims to prevent the spread of the virus, strengthen immunity and shorten treatment. Symptomatic treatment is also important to alleviate the condition, especially in the mild form.
In the event of a more severe course, there are antivirals that alleviate the difficulties and shorten the overall treatment time. They are also used for primary infections, especially in children, newborns and people with impaired immunity, and in other specific cases.
What else helps alleviate cold sores?
Local treatment is important. It is available in the form of various preparations that are freely available at pharmacies, for example gels, solutions, patches, rinses, teas (chamomile, rapeseed), and products with extracts of honeysuckle, garlic, red seaweed, cannabis sativa or tea tree oil.
Vitamin C, echinacea extract or beta-glucan supplements are given to support immunity. An immunologist might use immunomodulatory therapy with Isoprinosin.
The prevention of spreading is also important. Children and people with an ongoing illness should use their own hygiene products, a towel, cutlery, or cup.
Adults need to consider sexual abstinence.
If cold sores do not disappear even after two weeks of conservative treatment, further medical examination is required.
Painkillers may be used to relieve pain, such as hot or cold compresses.