Treatment of gonarthrosis with exercise? Medication, rehabilitation and lifestyle
In general, the treatment of diseases is based on the cause of their occurrence.
And in osteoarthritis, it is not always known.
Therefore, it is important to approach it from several points of view. An important factor is the prevention of gonarthrosis, and therefore osteoarthritis.
The non-pharmacological approach emphasizes regimen measures and changes in lifestyle, overall lifestyle, and adapted diet.
In the acute phase, calm and knee care are required.
Subsequently, rehabilitation and physical therapy are needed (hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, magnetotherapy, laser, ultrasound, shock wave). But also, for example, spas.
All this is complemented by sufficient and appropriate physical activity, exercise and appropriate exercises, therapeutic gymnastics, and initial guidance by a professional trainer. Suitable sports are, for example, swimming or cycling, but also classic walking.
Even with gonarthrosis, the daily dose of physical activity is preventive.
Prosthetic support aids, such as a knee brace, which strengthen the joint, are a plus. Also important is supplementary nutrition, such as joint nutrition, such as glucosamine sulfate (GS), chondroitin sulfate (CHS), hyaluronic acid (KH), collagen, Diacerhein (rhubarb extract), plenty of vitamins, minerals.
With overweight and obesity, it is necessary to reduce and optimize body weight.
Pharmacological treatment includes:
- analgesics for pain relief
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and anti-inflammatory drugs - NSAIDs - suppress inflammatory activity and pain
- corticoids - suppress the inflammatory process
- topical treatment, patches, ointments, gels
Endoscopic surgery - arthroscopy is another diagnostic treatment technique. Shortens the recovery time. The joint is rinsed and free of debris and excess damaged parts.
The need for surgery is assessed by an expert who can recommend artificial joint replacement in the event of total joint damage. This is known as total knee - t otálna e ndo- p rotéza.
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