Treatment of Fallot tetralogy
Treatment is clearly a form of cardiac surgery, with the type and form depending on the age and condition of the patient. In children in early childhood, corrective surgery is performed, which removes obstructions and defects, in older children, palliative surgery. Regarding the preoperative period, some conditions and attacks of oxygen deficiency can affect beta-blockers, neonates are given prostaglandin to maintain oxygen permeability to the lungs and body.
After the operation, regular and lifelong monitoring is necessary, due to the occurrence of various complications in the cardiovascular system or during oxygenation, while the preventive use of antibiotics is necessary before each surgery. It is prevention against inflammation of the heart and heart valves, which can be very risky for any congenital heart defect. Immediately after the operation, it is necessary to keep the bed quiet to prevent, for example, cardiac arrhythmia or shortness of breath.