How is facet's osteoarthritis treated? Rehabilitation, physiotherapy and medication

Conservative treatment is represented by drugs from the group of analgesics - for pain relief, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for muscle relaxation - muscle relaxants, plus antidepressants.

What is important is physical therapy, rehabilitation, therapeutic exercises, application of dry heat, acupuncture. In addition, psychotherapy may be needed.

As mentioned in the diagnosis, in the case of facet syndrome, a diagnostic-therapeutic method is effective, and thus facet blockade.

It is an invasive technique where a locally acting drug is inserted with a needle under CT or USG control close to the nerve supplying the facet joint. This method has both diagnostic and therapeutic significance. 

It relieves pain for a while. These blockages are performed during several sessions, as one application is not sufficient to close the diagnosis.

A local anesthetic is administered.

Corticosteroids have also been reported for therapy. Which dampens the inflammatory process.

Radiofrequency denervation, or ablation, is an invasive method in which the nerve innervating the affected facet joint is deactivated.

During the procedure, a needle is inserted, which inserts the electrode, and sufficient heat at its end damages the respective nerve.

However, it does not have a lasting effect and must be repeated after some time. The reason is nerve regeneration, which takes place for different lengths of time. How long it helps is highly individual, usually disqualifying the nerve for one year. 

This method is chosen mainly after the complete failure of conservative treatment and after at least two facet blockades that have confirmed the diagnosis.

The source of information also states:

Nerve fibers are destroyed by physical means, such as high temperature and cold - cryoneurolysis or chemical means such as alcohol or phenol.

Link:  (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health)

Prevention and a healthy lifestyle are important

The basis is to prevent spinal problems. And this has been necessary since childhood. 

Preventive measures include :

  • enough exercise
  • appropriate exercise
  • improving the mobility of the spine and body core (which are the muscles of the abdomen, diaphragm, pelvis, pelvic floor, and spine, plus a deep stabilization system)
  • it also has an effect on stabilizing the spine
  • mastering the correct posture
  • limit inactivity
    •  sedentary lifestyle
  • suitable bed grate, mattress, pillow
  • work ergonomics
    • sitting, standing, and working position
    • more frequent position changes
  • be careful when lifting and carrying loads
  • regular walking and
  • weight maintenance and reasonable weight reduction in overweight and obesity
  • a balanced diet, plenty of vitamins and minerals

Also read articles: 
Essential Nutrients
Mediterranean Type of Diet
Weight Loss and Diet

Visit the back school and choose suitable physical activities, such as dancing, swimming, cycling, cross-country skiing, skating, running, Nordic Walking, horseback riding, SM system, therapeutic gymnastics, stretching, pilates, yoga. 

Remember, normal walking is important.

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