How is endocarditis treated? Medications, antibiotics or surgery?

Treatment is chosen on the basis of a thorough diagnosis. In case of a severe course, antibiotic treatment is given immediately and the results from the laboratory are not expected. 

Infectious endocarditis is, therefore, an antibiotic treatment, or treatment against fungal and other microorganisms. In the case of a minor course, ATB treatment is given on the basis of the evaluation of microorganisms and sensitivity to ATB.

ATB treatment can last for 4 to 6 weeks. The form of administration is indicated based on the findings of the diagnosis.


Pharmacological treatment includes:

  • cardiac support
  • prevention of high blood pressure and arrhythmias
  • anti-inflammatory treatment, corticoids
  • symptomatic treatment, pain, fever
  • associated complications require special treatment according to the difficulties induced
    • heart attack
    • myocardial infarction
    • stroke
    • renal failure
    • embolization
    • and other
  • treatment of the primary disease
  • vitamins

Regime measures are also important. It is mainly about limiting physical activity and avoiding medium and heavy loads.

Surgical treatment is chosen after careful evaluation. However, it is best to perform surgery before the heart is affected. The indication is damage to the valve with subsequent failure of heart activity.

An example of an indication for early surgical treatment  is:

  • acute valve regurgitation - leads to heart failure
    • aortic or mitral
  • persistence of infection after 7-10 days of antibiotic treatment
  • some infections with specific microorganisms (fungi, Coxiella, Staphylococcus, Brucella)
  • repeated embolizations
  • vegetation leading to obstruction - clogging

 The aim of the surgery is to remove the infected vegetation and the damaged valve and replace it with an artificial prosthesis.

In these cases, an operation is a life-saving act.

The prognosis depends on early diagnosis and early treatment of endocarditis. Of course also from the cause.

Prevention includes, for example:

  • adequate oral hygiene
  • dental treatment of diseased teeth and gum disease
  • adequate treatment of infections of the oral cavity, tonsils, diseases of the upper respiratory tract
  • early examination for symptoms
  • adequate treatment of skin infections, even after piercings, tattoos
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