Breast cyst treatment: drugs or surgery? Sometimes it disappears on its own
Most cysts and lumps in the breast do not require special treatment. They disappear on their own and there is no reason to worry about them.
When there is a cyst in the breast, the cyst should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. The gynecologist regularly monitors its progress, growth, sensitivity. The problem with the cyst is solved only with possible changes, if the cyst is not painful, large.
Some smaller cysts that are harmless can remain in the breast if they do not cause any complications. However, they need to be regularly monitored every 3 months.
If they are large cysts that do not go away, there is an increased risk of breast cancer.
If there are complications, pain or pressure in the breast, the discomfort is most often relieved with a puncture needle. The puncture needle is used to drain fluid from the breast.
In case of breast tenderness, a warm or cold compress on the breast is recommended.
Treatment of cysts in the breast
1. Aspiration of the contents of the cyst with a fine needle.
Removing the fluid from the cyst reduces its volume.
When cancer is suspected and the origin of the cyst is unclear, a sample of the cyst volume is taken. It is sent for laboratory examination to determine whether the fluid from the cyst contains abnormal cells present in the cyst or bacteria.
If the cyst in the breast refills after repeated suctioning of the fluid from the cyst, it must be surgically removed.
If it is a carcinoma, it is not only the cyst that must be removed quickly. Usually, nearby lymph nodes that could be germs for the spread of the tumor are also removed. The woman must undergo chemotherapy, hormone therapy, or possibly biological therapy.
For larger tumors, a large part of the breast usually needs to be removed.
2. Hormonal treatment. Administration of birth control pills to modify the menstrual cycle is chosen to reduce the incidence of recurrence of cysts. This procedure is used when symptoms are severe.
3. Surgical removal of the cyst is performed in the case of recurrence of the cyst for several months. It is also performed if its contents have been drained of fluid with blood content or manifested other symptoms.