Treatment for Cushing's syndrome: medications or surgery?

The choice of appropriate treatment is influenced by the cause of Cushing's syndrome. As it results to a greater extent as a result of the tumor, surgical treatment is chosen. In pituitary adenoma, a neurosurgical operation is performed, ie the removal of the adenoma. If this method is not possible, radiation therapy is considered, the so-called Leksell gamma ray (LGN), is a stereotactic radiation treatment.

If the tumor is located on the adrenal gland, adrenalectomy is performed. The sparing method is laparoscopic surgery. Subsequently, it can be combined with chemotherapy. After removal of the adrenal glands, corticoids must be administered by substitution.

However, if the operation cannot be performed for various reasons, the treatment is medicated. The patient is given medicines that block the production of glucocorticoids. If high cortisol levels have been caused pharmacologically by corticoids, their administration should be reduced or completely reduced. In general, the sooner the disease is detected, the better the chances of a cure.

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