Treatment of chickenpox: Medicines that relieve the discomfort
The main form is symptomatic treatment. Different medications are used to relieve fever (antipyretics), pain (analgesics), and itching (antihistamines). It is advisable to increase the intake of vitamins and antibiotics in cases of a bacterial superinfection.
Children are not given fever medications containing acetylsalicylic acid due to a risk of developing Reye's syndrome.
Antiseptic ointments, solutions of hypermanganese, antihistamines (Fenistil Gel) are applied topically. Liquid powder has been applied in the past, but it is no longer recommended today.
Drinking lots of fluids is important.
The child needs to be isolated at home.
In specific cases and when complications occur, a specific immunoglobulin is administered. Which prevents or alleviates the disease. Preventive measures include Varicella-zoster immune globulin and the antiviral medication acyclovir.