Can cerebral palsy be treated? Rehabilitation and other treatments
Cerebral palsy is essentially an incurable disease. However, it is not progressive, so it does not worsen with the progress of life. Although the degree of difficulty may increase. Of course, there is effective prevention and rehabilitation against the worsening of difficulties.
Overall, the child requires special care. Treatments and processes focus on alleviating the symptoms of the disease. The cooperation of doctors from several fields is necessary. Treatment mainly includes rehabilitation and exercise, special education and psychotherapy. Speech therapy is helpful.
Sometimes various aids and splints are also used for muscle imbalance. In case of severe disabilities, invasive surgical treatment is also possible in the form of selective dorsal risotomy in order to improve posture and torso. Minor defects of the nervous system can also be solved by additional operations.

Rehabilitation can significantly improve the quality of life of individuals with this mobility impairment. In addition, medicines to relieve epileptic seizures, medicines to relieve contracted muscles, or medicines to support brain function are used in pharmacological treatment.
In addition to the multidisciplinary cooperation of experts, a positive and active approach on the part of the family is important. The approach of the parents is important. Especially during the first year of life, when rehabilitation can significantly affect and improve the quality of life.
Of course, rehabilitation is also needed the rest of the time. They must be regular and strictly adhered to. It is necessary to follow the instructions of the rehabilitation doctor and other workers. In addition to rehabilitation in facilities, home care is important.