Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome: Medications, ointments, exercises, surgery

The sooner treatment is started, the better the prognosis. When the carpal tunnel syndrome is detected in the initial stages, a complete cure and 100% return of the feeling to the hands is possible. Conservative or surgical treatment is used.

Wrist immobilisation in CTS as a treatment
Wrist immobilisation in CTS as a treatment. Photo source: Getty images

In the initial stages, carpal tunnel decompression therapy is most often chosen when physical therapy and rehabilitation are used. Wrist sprays with local anesthetics, corticoids and anti-rheumatics. Increasing the intake of B vitamins and alpha lipoic acid is suitable.

Resting the rest of the load on the upper limb is also important. It is necessary to keep the hand calm and, of course, in a suitable position. Physiotherapy, which includes ultrasound, laser, magnetotherapy, and lymphatic drainage may also be suitable.

Using plates, orthoses, and immobilising thea affected area is effective. Alternatively, cold compresses can be added during the day to speed up regeneration. If the disease is at a later stage or conservative treatment has not started, surgical treatment is necessary.

The surgical solution is indicated in case of moderate to severe disability. During surgery, the transverse ligament is severed, releasing oppression. You can choose between the classic method, but also endoscopic surgery. Subsequent proper postoperative care is also important. Pressure massage helps.

The hand is capable of bearing a full load for 3 months.

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