How is asthma treated? First aid for an attack (inhaler, spray)

Pharmacological therapy alone is only a small half of the success in compensating for asthma.

If the patient is undisciplined and therefore unable to change his lifestyle due to his diagnosis, then drugs are not a sufficient guarantee to suppress the symptoms, and eliminate the frequency of their occurrence.

How to get your asthma under control at five points

Non-pharmacological treatment of asthma

Non-pharmacological treatment of asthma means an effort to alleviate and eliminate the symptoms of the disease , without the use of drugs and thus prevent seizures .

It is primarily aimed at eliminating harmful substances and allergens that induce bronchial irritation, inflammation, and thus bronchospasm.

Asthmatics should avoid:

  1. staying in a dusty and polluted environment
  2. staying in a cold environment (outdoor environment in winter, cold boxes)
  3. staying in an infectious environment (hospital, contact with a sick patient)
  4. active but also passive smoking
  5. exposure to chemical fumes (paints, paint strippers, disinfectants)
  6. contact with a confirmed allergen (drug, food)
  7. increased physical exertion (excessive sports performances)
  8. mental stress (stress, extreme emotional tension, agitation)

Pharmacological treatment of asthma

After the maximum possible elimination of the above-mentioned negative factors, the pharmacological treatment of asthma is generally successful, and well compensated.

Although the disease as such cannot be cured, it is possible to influence the frequency of seizures , their good response to drugs and thus prevent the progression of the disease. .

Asthma treatment aims to eliminate both components of asthma , to relieve brochospasm, and to treat inflammation.
Inflammation may not be felt by the patient, but if not treated properly, it can cause changes in the lungs, so it should not be underestimated.
Bronchospasm is typical of an acute attack of the disease, which is manifested by suffocation, and thus the patient is forced to take the medication.

Table with basic division of drugs according to the mechanism of their effect:

Medicines to relieve bronchospasm Anti-inflammatory drugs
short-acting inhaled β2-mimetics inhalation anticholinergics systemic corticoids inhalation and systemic corticoids chromones antilrukotrienes long-acting bronchodilators

First aid when an asthma attack occurs . How to do it?

What to do when an asthma attack occurs?

Most importantly, don't panic!

An asthma attack occurs in a patient who has been exposed to an allergen. There is an inflammatory reaction and the mucous membranes of the bronchi if they narrow. The resulting obstruction prevents him from breathing.

If an asthma attack occurs, here's what to do and how to help the patient:

  1. In the beginning, it is necessary to calm the patient to prevent the loss of oxygen (sometimes the rescuer)
  2. The affected person must take a rest position to facilitate breathing (orthostatic position - most effective for free chest movements and breathing, which means  sitting in a slight forward bend  and resting his elbows on a table or other firm support)
  3. Sufficient fresh air must be ensured  (open the window, take the patient to fresh air)
  4. To facilitate breathing and blood circulation, it is beneficial to loosen tight clothing around the neck and waist (tie, belt ...)
  5. An inhaler must be used , which the asthmatic must always carry with him, if the usual dose is not enough, it is possible to increase the dose of corticoids by reusing the spray inhaler, the use of tablets is not important in an acute condition (late onset of action)
  6. In case of progression despite treatment, it is necessary to call emergency 155 , and in case of respiratory and circulatory failure, resuscitation must be initiated by the arrival of rescuers.
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