Botulism and its treatment, drugs, antibiotics and anti-serum

Early diagnosis and treatment is important to prevent the disease from spreading to the most severe stage. Treatment takes place during hospitalization, in the infection department. In case of respiratory impairment in the intensive care unit. Antibotulin serum should be administered as soon as possible.

Antitoxic serum disrupts the action of botulinum toxin at the nerve-muscle level and relieves muscle paralysis. At the same time, antibiotics are given to prevent secondary infection with clostridia. This reduces the effect of bacteria on the body.

If treatment is started early, medicines such as laxatives are also given to cause diarrhea. But also gastric and intestinal lavage. The reason is the rapid removal of the toxin from the body. At a later stage, however, these methods are no longer relevant. 

In addition, it is important to give the patient fluids, foods and nutrients so that he can return to normal life as soon as possible. The treatment itself is long-term. Treatment and remission of muscle paralysis can take up to half a year. The mentioned antibiotic treatment as well as surgical treatment is used mainly in the case of wound botulism.

The patient's health should be constantly monitored during treatment. If necessary, in case of respiratory failure, controlled breathing is initiated and parenteral therapy is administered, i.e. to the vessels, outside the digestive tract. In the case of botulism in childhood, symptomatic treatment is used.

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