Treatment of atrial fibrillation
The most common method is to try to establish a normal heart rhythm, for which cardioversion is used. It is electric when an electric shock is applied through the chest wall to the heart using a defibrillator, which interrupts the arrhythmia. The second form is the so-called radiofrequency ablation, in which further atrial fibrillation is prevented through the catheter, which is most often inserted through the femoral vessel. Accompanying treatment is also very important, as it prevents the formation of a blood clot.
In addition, the treatment can be and pharmacotherapy where drugs are administered to prevent further fibrillation and arrhythmias, the drugs are selected and depending on what further disease is associated with atrial fibrillation. No specific form of treatment is needed for self-sustaining forms of the disease, but the patient's condition has been monitored for a long time. Overall, it is very important to avoid stress and excessive physical overload, regardless of the type of treatment.