How is arthrosis treated? Can it be stopped? Medications and lifestyle modification
In the case of autoimmune disorders, arthritis is not a completely curable disease. However, with advances in medicine, the consequences can be mitigated to such an extent that the disease does not have to seriously affect the quality of life.
Treatment is a complex of regimen measures. These require peace and as little strain on the affected joint as possible. Also pharmacological treatment that alleviates pain and alleviates the course of inflammation. Of course, its job is to prevent damage and deformation of the joint.
Nonsterodine antirheumatic drugs (NSAIDs), antiphlogistics, but also corticosteroids are used to reduce the inflammatory response. Also, various other drugs, such as biologic therapies , to suppress specific factors in immune processes. In case of infectious inflammation antibiotics .
Possible means to alleviate swelling and other manifestations of the disease. In DNA disease, drugs are used to promote the renal excretion of uric acid directly into the urine. Subsequently, other difficulties are treated, even taking into account the involvement of other parts of the body.
If a conservative form of treatment does not help, and the joints are significantly damaged and deformed, surgery may be chosen in some cases. For example, surgical correction procedures or artificial joint replacements.
Helps make me rehabilitation, spa treatment.
Physical activity is an important component of overall treatment. Individually adjusted forms of gymnastics, occupational therapy, as well as hydrotherapy, application of cold and other physical methods or massages are used. Magnetotherapy or light therapy , ie a bioptron lamp, is also suitable.