Treatment for Addison's disease
The principle of treatment consists mainly in the replacement administration of the missing adrenal hormones. In chronic disease, daily doses of hydrocortisone are administered for life.
The frequency of administration is twice daily and the dose volume is governed by the patient's current clinical picture. The dose of hydrocortisone is approximately 30 mg per day. In case of excessive physical or mental stress, the dose may be increased. In this case, it can also be in the range of 300 - 400 mg per day.
However, it must never be reduced, as it may trigger the Addison crisis. If it occurs, it is necessary to start intensive treatment as soon as possible. Hydrocortisone is given and the dose is relatively high within 24 hours. And that is 100 mg every 6 hours.
If the condition improves, often on the second day, a half dose is given, also every 6 hours. Fludrocortisone is added to the treatment and the dose of hydrocortisone is approximately 50 mg per day. In addition, as part of the overall supportive treatment of hypocorticism, care must be taken to correct, for example, dehydration, ie increased fluid and sodium chloride intake.
It is important to keep in mind that in the event of any deterioration in health, it is necessary to contact a doctor. Especially in conditions such as body temperature above 39 ° C, vomiting or diarrhea. If left untreated, the disease threatens human life. With consistent and well-maintained treatment, the disease does not limit life expectancy compared to a healthy population.