What are my blood sugar (glycaemia) levels: low, normal or high?

What are my blood sugar (glycaemia) levels: low, normal or high?

Do you have low, ideal or high blood sugar? Our calculator and article with a table of glycaemic values will help you find out.
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What is my blood sugar (glycaemia): low, normal or high?

The technical term glycaemia refers to the level of sugar in the blood. Sugar is an important cellular fuel. Its deficiency is particularly noticeable in brain activity.

Blood sugar levels that are too low or too high are undesirable.

Both hypoglycemia (not enough sugar in the blood) and hyperglycemia (too much sugar) carry certain health risks and complications.

Pallor and excessive sweating of the skin are also typical manifestations.

The person is pale, sweaty, articulates poorly, cannot be understood, and may be disoriented.
He looks drunk. He hasn't drunk at all.
After a while, his health deteriorates.
He falls to the ground and is unconscious.
Beware! It may be hypoglycaemia!

Classification of hypoglycaemia - low blood sugar:

Grade 1 - Hypoglycaemia warning level < 3.9 mmol/l

Grade 2 - Clinically significant hypoglycaemia < 3 mmol/l

  • Threshold for neuroglycopenic symptoms - lack of glucose in the brain
  • Decreased concentration, headache, visual disturbances, double vision, incoordination, speech disorders, impaired consciousness, convulsions
  • psychological changes - behavioural changes, mood changes, thought disorders

Grade 3 - Severe hypoglycaemia - no well-defined glycaemia level

  • Severe cognitive decline (perception), assistance of another person is required to restore consciousness in this condition

The expert guarantor of the article, Zuzana Kožlejová, MD, PhD, adds the following information.

The value of hyperglycemia (excessive blood sugar) is not easy to determine. It depends on whether the person is fasting or has eaten before the examination.

Usually, the numbers 5.6 to 6.9 are given as upper limits for normal blood sugar levels.

If the value is higher in the long term, the cause should be looked for. It may be diabetes mellitus.

Glycaemic values are given in mmol/l.
We also know how to express it in mg per deciliter - mg/dcl.
The conversion is simple:
From mmol to milligram: multiply by 18
4.0 mmol/l x 18 = 72 mg/dcl
When converting from mg to mmol: divide by 18
72 mg/dcl : 18 = 4.0 mmol/l

A piece of chocolate, a sugar cube or a spoonful of honey can raise your sugar levels. They make your sugar rise fastest. For a more moderate rise, it is a good idea to have any wholesome and balanced meal.

It's harder with lowering glycemia.

It depends on the situation and whether the hyperglycemia is caused by a disease (diabetes). In this case, it is not enough to just starve. The body, cells or brain need nutrients, including sugar.

The table shows the glycaemia/blood sugar values

Category Value in mmol/litre Description
Hypoglycemia < 3,0 Clinically significant low blood sugar
< 3,9 Warning sugar levels
Standard 3,9-5,5 Correct blood sugar level. These reference values reflect fasting blood sugar levels (possible variations by laboratory).
Borderline values 5,6-6,9 Fasting value. Follow-up examination and diagnosis of possible diabetes is necessary.
Hyperglycaemia ≥ 7,0 Elevated fasting glycaemia value - a sign of diabetes. In a diabetic patient, the targets for maintaining fasting glycaemia are individual according to several parameters. Stricter values are mainly for newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus below 6.5-7 and looser values of 8-9, the diabetic patient is instructed.

The reason for the increase in body sugar is complicated. The basic information is given in our articles in the links below.

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Important notice:

Please remember that the results of our health calculators and analyzers are for guidance purposes only. They are not a substitute for a professional examination or the advice of a doctor, pharmacist or other health care professional.

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