Recommended daily allowance of vitamins, minerals and food supplements

Recommended daily allowance of vitamins, minerals and food supplements

What is the recommended daily dose for supplements, vitamins or minerals? Find out what the optimal and generally recommended doses are. However, take into account the specificities of each of us.
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What are the recommended daily doses of vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements (by age and gender)?

Food supplements only supplement nutrition. They should not be used as a substitute for a complete diet.

Supplements are not a substitute for a complete diet.

A rational and balanced daily diet contains adequate amounts of all essential nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, fats, sugars and proteins.

Do not forget to eat fruit and vegetables every day.

Dietary supplements have gained their popularity especially for weight loss or sports activities. Of course, they are sought after for multiple purposes.

In times of spreading respiratory diseases, we reach for them to promote prevention or speed up treatment. But we should not forget that they serve neither to diagnose, prevent or treat diseases.

As with medicines, dietary supplements must be taken at the recommended daily dose and not exceeded.

In the context of dosage, it is important to note that the use and combination of several products may lead to exceeding this set or maximum daily dose.

A good example is supplementation with vitamin D. During sunny spring and summer days, the body will make enough vitamin D on its own and it is not advisable to supply it artificially.

Long-term excessive doses can have a negative impact on our health and manifest themselves in health problems.

The figures given in the calculator are generally recommended daily doses, which include the amount supplied to the body by the normal diet. The common combination of supplements and diet with excessive intake of certain substances can have a negative impact on our health.

Therefore, even in the case of dietary supplements, it is advisable to consult a specialist, a doctor or a pharmacist. This is especially true in the case of acute or long-term illness.

In addition, the combined use of certain substances may interfere with their absorption into the body and therefore with their use and bioavailability.

Bioavailability = the amount and rate at which an active substance is available in the circulation (blood) and can produce a therapeutic/adverse effect (simplified explanation).

Conversely, for some substances, combination with others is recommended to increase the effect or absorption into the human body.

For this reason too, consultation with a specialist is recommended.

Some important facts when taking dietary supplements:

  • In addition to the recommended doses, it is advisable to focus on the quality and composition - watch the percentage of the active substance or herb.
  • Unverified products may not contain the listed substances and their amounts or may be contaminated with dangerous substances. Thus, their use is potentially risky.
  • Individual needs and general health should be taken into account when using them. This is particularly emphasised for long-term treatment. Some substances may interfere with existing drug therapy.
  • Dietary supplements do not serve to diagnose, prevent or treat disease and therefore do not replace treatment prescribed by a doctor.
  • Dietary supplements are not a substitute for a complete and balanced diet.
  • They may have side effects that may affect a person's health.

Finally, an important warning!

The calculator gives generally recommended daily doses. However, these do not take into account the individual needs of each person, which may vary depending on the person's general condition and state of health.

Pay attention to each person's individual needs and differences.

Therefore, it is generally recommended to consult a professional (doctor, pharmacist, dietician or other health professional) for any use.

The use of dietary supplements should only follow the recommended daily doses indicated on their packaging or in the package leaflet. It is not recommended to exceed them.

The emphasis is particularly on people who are on long-term treatment and pharmacotherapy.

It is important to remember that our body's needs are individual and depend on a number of factors. These include age, gender, body weight, level of physical activity, diet and overall lifestyle and health. Therefore, the selection and dosage of dietary supplements should be tailored to each individual's needs. Consultation with a professional such as a doctor, pharmacist or nutritionist is recommended.

The calculator (together with the text) does not provide guidance on self-medication, as it is not intended as a diagnosis, prevention or treatment and is not intended for that purpose. The information provided here should be taken as informative only and is not a substitute for consultation with a doctor or health professional.

Some useful links to medical articles:

Our other useful calculators and tables:

Important notice:

Please remember that the results of our health calculators and analyzers are for guidance purposes only. They are not a substitute for a professional examination or the advice of a doctor, pharmacist or other health care professional.

Each person is unique, and everyone's needs may vary. Calculators and analyzers have limitations and do not provide a comprehensive individual view of health.

Their use is at your own risk. Neither the site operator nor the author is responsible for misuse and misinterpretation of information obtained through their use. By using the calculators and analyzers, you agree to these terms and conditions and neither the operator nor the author shall be liable for any consequences.

You are advised to consult a professional for your medical condition. Remember that health is an important topic and any decisions should be made in consultation with a professional.

This calculator/analyzer is not a medical tool or medical aid. Consult your doctor about your health problem.

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